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Partial Lunar Eclipse tonight ?


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There's a piece about it here.

To summarise:


Being in a "green" bit, I'll let you know what it's like.

[ Update, 19:43 local time ] Stuck my head outside. The Moon's just cleared my eastern horizon. Looks suitably full. No obvious dimming.

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From what I gather is it's a prenumberal eclipse which isn't a traditional eclipse, it doesn't pass through the umbra.

Basically it should be a slight dimming more than anything else, I'm hoping to get some before and during shots.

Date of Eclipse: October 18-19, 2013
Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 21:51 UTC
Greatest Eclipse: 23:50 UTC
Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 01:50 UTC




As per normal the clouds are coming in, whispy jet stream stuff.

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Freeless from cloud all week, been following the Sun every day and the Moon and Jupiter every night and tonight is no different and cannot spot any dimming on that big bright stone above. Well, not yet any way. Just come down for a coffee, it's 0:40, 19-X-13.

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I've been waiting for this on a few months now since I first read about it and now its here -  horizon to horizon of solid cloud.  :embarrassed:

Davey-T heres the web site I refer to for eclipse details (both solar & lunar). I'm looking forward to 2015 with a total solar eclipse on 20th March and a total lunar eclipse on 28th September.

Whats the odds it will be cloudy then as well?


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Think cloud here, and it was hammering down last night.  No improvement in the foreseeable future either.  I think there's quite a significant possibility of reaching three months without a single viable observing opportunity :(


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Had the camera ready on the 150PDS. Intended to go out and get a few shots before and some during the penumbral eclipse with the same exposure settings to compare the dimming of the moon. But after dinner, I fell asleep on the sofa with the dog and wife next to me. I'm such a noob! :grin:

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