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Am I stupid???


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Now before those funny ones among us just simply type "Yes" pls hear me out.

I'm currently stood outside observing the moon through my scope. I put my Seben zoom ep in and I ca see the on just fine. I swap it out and put in my 2" 28mm Skywatcher ep and all I get is a big white fuzzy ball that no matter how hard I try, just refuses to come into focus. Is my ep broken or is it user error??

Any and all help welcomed.

Cheer in advance.

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You might find the 2" eyepiece comes to focus a long way further out (or perhaps in) than the smaller eyepiece.  Try getting to the end of focus and then undo the screw and then pull the eyepiece slowly out of the holder to see if it gets closer to focus.  If it does you'll need an extension tube to get focus.


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And to work out which way you need to go to get focus, shift the moon across so that you can see the limb or terminator.  But I suspect the guys above are correct, you will most likely need a 2" extension for this eyepiece.

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