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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Taken me a good 5mins on my new phone and was a bit of a challenge to find how to get to the page Url but here it ishttp://stargazerslounge.com/topic/245274-triple-iss-transit-in-the-uk-tonight/page-3#

An old thread but someone posted a recent update and just goes to show what can be achieved

That's a pretty amazing photo! Just goes to show what can be done. Thanks for taking the time to find it again for us Damian :)
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have pretty much put the scope away now for a couple of months as it gets dark way after my bedtime, and is more or less light when I get up for work.

Bought my self a bike today,  need to get a bit fitter and I hate gyms,  dont think I will ever get into Mrs Soupy's 50 mile a night after work level,   but am sure I will have fun

Gonna order a HEQ5 in a couple of weeks so expect cloud and rain :laugh: 


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Mrs soupy been out tonight she is just back from 25 mile bike ride! 5 mins after I have just set up scope in garden! :( So it seems like I have been doing nothing but astro stuff all evening, when in reality I have cooked tea, put kids to bed with stories, spent 2 hours ironing then put it all away. Just got scope out in time to watch ISS this time I was ready, could make full shape out, with a few arrays of solar panels. Going to get a camera on it for later so fingers crossed I'll get a pic! :) roll on midnight!

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have pretty much put the scope away now for a couple of months as it gets dark way after my bedtime, and is more or less light when I get up for work.

Bought my self a bike today,  need to get a bit fitter and I hate gyms,  dont think I will ever get into Mrs Soupy's 50 mile a night after work level,   but am sure I will have fun

Gonna order a HEQ5 in a couple of weeks so expect cloud and rain :laugh: 

Same here for the same reason, may get it out for anything special, but I start a new job this Thursday and have to be out of the house for 7:30am so not going to be doing too many late nights for the first few months.

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Well done on getting out Soupy

Just read what Crash has put on his mirror making blog and it doesn't sound too good.

Looks like the mirror is on the back burner for now as he concentrates on his other hobbies.

Hope you get some images tonight Soupy and wish I was there too as the sky looks superb tonight.

Mirror making thread has now passed the 17k views point so it seems there is quite a bit of interest and curiosity out there about the subject. Another update to it maybe tomorrow night.

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Aye Damian, been out, sky has been great. Viewed Jupiter Venus and the ISS. connected the Atik Titan to the scope to see if it would work, loo and behold I could get it to at least focus with no additional items (reducer or Barlow) which was more than I could with the canon!

Was a bit of a nightmare getting the finder aligned with the scope should have done it in the light, but got it almost sorted. Tried the Titan on Jupiter but it was moving too fast got a few images but not great!

Then it was the turn for the ISS!

Trying to track that as it zooms across the sky with just the finder was very difficult this time as I was aware I was trying to image capture it. Set titan on loop and away I went!

In the end I captured almost 900 images which I have to go through 1by1 to see if I have gotten anything. So far I have done approx. 400 and have only found 18 frames with some image on it. I will now have to go through each of these and see if I can process any data out, as it was very bright. But stacking is probably out of the question as the thing is tumbling as it passes so will have to take each frame separately.

I'll see what I get :)

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Just finished weeding out the rubbish, seems I have captured 108ish images of the station, still not processed yet, they are currently just bright blobs, I hope PS can do some magic with them! :)

But that will have to wait till tomorrow bed time. Early start a usual.

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Well done on getting out Soupy

Just read what Crash has put on his mirror making blog and it doesn't sound too good.

Looks like the mirror is on the back burner for now as he concentrates on his other hobbies.

Yeah, I read that when I browsed onto his blog after I had been having a read through your latest updates - interesting read again although I wish I knew what some of it meant lol !?! You've got some great support there :)

Anyway, about Rich, it's a shame that he seems to be struggling a bit recently - hope he gets his mojo back. It would be such a shame if he never gets it finished, but I can understand by what you have been through that it must be so hard to keep going sometimes.

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We are losing our opportunities for the ISS again for a couple of weeks I would have thought. There is one at 11.08pm but it is only at 37 degrees so might be more difficult to capture. Tomorrow's visible pass is at 10.14pm at 46 degrees, which should be better although I believe the clouds may have come to spoil the party by then. Fingers crossed for a clear one tonight.

A bit of advice, I still haven't got my Atik 161C-S out of the box, but I am getting more confident with the Imaging Source DMK now I have used it a couple of times. I think it'll be better than the Canon for trying to capture the ISS, because as Soupy did, I can either set up the DMK to keep taking single captures, or I can set it to take AVI and just keep filming. I can probably only manage to work it with the 80mm frac on the manual AZ mount, as the 8SE can only be moved with the handset, and I would imagine it'll be near-on impossible to follow the ISS that way. Do you think I'll get a recognisable image using the DMK with the 80mm frac, or would it still be too small? Just wondering if it is worth having a go at?

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Vicky you won't know until you try. Give it a go at worst you'll get a trailing image at best it could be brilliant! But I agree with the manual mount as it moves at a pace across the FOV.

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

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Vicky you won't know until you try. Give it a go at worst you'll get a trailing image at best it could be brilliant! But I agree with the manual mount as it moves at a pace across the FOV.

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

You're right Soupy. Sometimes you've just got to give things a try. Let's hope the skies clear again this evening to give it a go :)

Potentially stupid question, so bear with me, as I haven't done this before - if I take an AVI and just leave the camera running, I only have to worry about keeping the ISS in the FOV (which is going to be a challenge in itself). However, I have only used AVI files before and then just dropped them straight into PIPP or Registax6 for stacking and processing. Here's the potentially stupid question - can you save any useable still frame images from an AVI file as single images?

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Just had a little play with a couple of my DSLR images of M13 through DeepSkyStacker, as I haven't used it before. I only had 6 images, but it was enough to have a play. It has made a difference, although even on a short exposure you can see star trails. Going to have another go when skies allow, to see what I can do. Might even take a brave pill and crack out the Atik (if I can suss out the EQ mount and motor drive) :)


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on Astronomy shed there is a vid where he imaged the ISS using a scope and a webcam,  he took the tube off the mount and shoulder mounted it like a grenade launcher,  if memory serves,

He also had a second person to run the laptop controlling the web cam

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