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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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That would be excellent Nick!

Skies over here can't make up their mind! Patchy cloud, both Jupiter and Venus have been visible' now just Venus, Moon looks great on the opposite horizon but Saturn is hidden ATM.

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I didn't get to see anything last night. Ended up helping Sophie study for her Biology B2 GCSE exam, and looked at the clock and it was 11.45pm! However, I now know all about enzymes, respiration and yeast (the bit about making wine got my attention lol).

Glad a couple of you got to see the ISS - I had a look out the door when I realised what time it was and we seemed to have quite thick cloud over Horbury, so maybe I would have struggled seeing it anyway :(

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Well, the good news is that Sophie, my daughter, is very confident following her Biology B2 GCSE, which makes it worth the fact that I missed the ISS pass as I helped her study :)

My youngest has been doing her GCSE's too and it's a stressful time.

Hope all goes well for her

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I've got loads of blue sky over Horbury! Husband is out tonight and my mate is coming round for a couple of hours for "round 2" lol

Hopefully, it'll still be clear later when she has gone again so I can disappear outside for some "Vic" time :)

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I've got loads of blue sky over Horbury! Husband is out tonight and my mate is coming round for a couple of hours for "round 2" lol

Hopefully, it'll still be clear later when she has gone again so I can disappear outside for some "Vic" time :)

The viewing might have deteriorated by then though Vicky. Or it may be just your eye's after round 2!!!!  :tongue:

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The viewing might have deteriorated by then though Vicky. Or it may be just your eye's after round 2!!!!  :tongue:

That's the chance I'm prepared to take Damian ;)

Think we might even treat ourselves to a bottle of Disaronno as it is still cheaper than going out. Plus, she'll have gone home by 11pm latest, and it's only just really getting dark then. Don't know whether I'll just have a go with the binos later, depends what the skies are like.

ISS pass at 10.45pm, and at 53 degrees it should be a good one.

Anyone who's on Facebook, Ryan posted a great photo of the ISS he took last night - you can even see the solar panels - it's fab :)

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