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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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It's not windy my way, and the sky looks lovely, but I am sooooo ready for my bed and I'm thinking about that alarm going off early in the morning.

I'm turning the laptop off and going up without looking outside again. Daren't risk it for a biscuit lol. Night all ;)

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I remember Paul showing me the coat hanger last year from his garden, I was thoroughly impressed, felt sorry for him though having to hold the bins steady while I attempted looking through them on my tip toes lol I've just got home and while walking up my street seen an ISS pass, perfect time, at first I thought what is it, it can't be Saturn, noticed it was moving and realised what it was! A lovely end to the night

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I remember Paul showing me the coat hanger last year from his garden, I was thoroughly impressed, felt sorry for him though having to hold the bins steady while I attempted looking through them on my tip toes lol I've just got home and while walking up my street seen an ISS pass, perfect time, at first I thought what is it, it can't be Saturn, noticed it was moving and realised what it was! A lovely end to the night

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Wish I'd just got home
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Nice capture Paul and Vicky. Will have to look out for that one in the future. Been and got a tent for kielder later this year so bring it on [emoji6]


Is that actually you Mark, as I didn't think you did camping? Looking forward to our next Kielder weekend already, and it's only been a month since the last one :)
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Is that actually you Mark, as I didn't think you did camping? Looking forward to our next Kielder weekend already, and it's only been a month since the last one :)

Yes it's me and I don't do camping but Adele insists I go. As she says we don't get chance for really dark sky's around home


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So how come when u search stellarium it won't come up with brocchie's cluster has it ngc number Damian?? Mark

It's technical name is Collinder 399 (Cr 399) - glad you've found it. Soupy started something with this one lol :)
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I thing I found it in February when I was in Northumbria but did not realise it. I suppose we have all seen things and not realised that why it's better to go out together if ur not experienced [emoji4]


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I thing I found it in February when I was in Northumbria but did not realise it. I suppose we have all seen things and not realised that why it's better to go out together if ur not experienced [emoji4] Mark

It sure is better together - it's just getting a clear evening where we can all meet up that's proved more than a challenge during the season.

I'm sure we'll manage a get together soon, even if it's just to do some planetary viewing and brighter stars/constellations :)

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We have got a lot of ISS passes this week at reasonable times and good high elevations. Let's hope we have a few clear evenings to see it as it is always a good one to spot :)

Hi Vicky what times is it passing


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Hi Vicky what times is it passing Neil

Hi Neil, as the chaps have said, heavens-above is a great little site with a wealth of information including satellite and iridium flare details for your given location.

I also use ISS Spotter which is a free app solely for current location of the ISS, and forecasts for your location.

There are two passes this evening - 10.14pm at 22 degrees and then 11.49pm at 52 degrees. Good luck! ;)

02 Jun -2.1 22:13:35 10° SSW 22:16:11 22° SSE 22:18:49 10° E visible

02 Jun -3.3 23:49:01 10° WSW 23:52:12 54° S 23:55:24 10° E visible

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Talking of iridium flares. Last week the sky was clear nearly every nighty in the west and I saw three of four they were all in the wsw at about 11:00 pm. I'd forget my head if it was loose


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Hi Neil, as the chaps have said, heavens-above is a great little site with a wealth of information including satellite and iridium flare details for your given location.

I also use ISS Spotter which is a free app solely for current location of the ISS, and forecasts for your location.

There are two passes this evening - 10.14pm at 22 degrees and then 11.49pm at 52 degrees. Good luck! ;)

02 Jun -2.1 22:13:35 10° SSW 22:16:11 22° SSE 22:18:49 10° E visible

02 Jun -3.3 23:49:01 10° WSW 23:52:12 54° S 23:55:24 10° E visible

It is, the site should be on everyones favorites list, ive used it for years and its never wrong. They also do an android app now, maybe one for IOS too but I dont have an iphone.

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It is, the site should be on everyones favorites list, ive used it for years and its never wrong. They also do an android app now, maybe one for IOS too but I dont have an iphone.

They have not developed an IOS app as yet but I do have it as a favourite on my safari browser.


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