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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Nice bird Soupy, it's a female Great Spotted Woodpecker I think.

I had one on my back garden earlier this year.

Bread isn't great for birds since it has a low nutritional value, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

got loads of nuts and seeds out as well and she had been coming to those so I think we are covered. Cheers for the Id Matt.

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Had a good day out at Jodrill Bank. Was nice to see a familiar face. Hope u had as good as time as we did Vicky and Luke was nice to meet ur husband and daughter too. Have a safe journey home.


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Glad you enjoyed it Mark. It has probably changed a lot since we went as they were doing a lot of renovation work when we were there. It had changed a lot from my previous visit back in the day when I was at school. They'd done away with the stone tablets for writing notes on  :grin:

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We've had a fab day - just set off back home. Were you still there when they moved the Lovell telescope around Mark? Wow - how impressive was that! We ended the day back having a lovely walk in the gardens to find all the planets/dwarf planets - found them all - even Eris which was a long way out right at the end of the gardens! Certainly put it all into perspective. We will definitely be visiting again :)

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Glad you enjoyed it Vicky. It's a fair walk to the edge of the solar system.

Great photos and isn't it huge you definitely know your getting close as you can see the lovell telescope from miles away and when flying back into Manchester

Long time since I was there and when the telescope moves it's a fantastic sight

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You should go back again Damian, as there is probably loads of new stuff since you last went. I was fascinated watching them move the Lovell telescope, and we had just timed it right after coming out from one of the talks (which was really interesting). It took us about an hour and a half to get there, but it's well worth the run out. Plus, we took a picnic, cold drinks and a flask, so it was a reasonable day out at £24 admission for a family of 4. Maybe we could arrange a WADAS day trip! ;)

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You should go back again Damian, as there is probably loads of new stuff since you last went. I was fascinated watching them move the Lovell telescope, and we had just timed it right after coming out from one of the talks (which was really interesting). It took us about an hour and a half to get there, but it's well worth the run out. Plus, we took a picnic, cold drinks and a flask, so it was a reasonable day out at £24 admission for a family of 4. Maybe we could arrange a WADAS day trip! ;)

They might do observing sessions for societies in the grounds? But yeah good idea for a trip out

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You should go back again Damian, as there is probably loads of new stuff since you last went. I was fascinated watching them move the Lovell telescope, and we had just timed it right after coming out from one of the talks (which was really interesting). It took us about an hour and a half to get there, but it's well worth the run out. Plus, we took a picnic, cold drinks and a flask, so it was a reasonable day out at £24 admission for a family of 4. Maybe we could arrange a WADAS day trip! ;)

Cheap trip out too
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nice clear evening would normally ask if anyone playing out,  but Kathi is doing the Pretty Mudder Race for life thing at Temple Newsam  tomorrow, and I have been told in no uncertain terms I am accompanying her,  so will have to see what I can do from the front yard I think

I know Woozy is also doing it, am hoping to see her there


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You should go back again Damian, as there is probably loads of new stuff since you last went. I was fascinated watching them move the Lovell telescope, and we had just timed it right after coming out from one of the talks (which was really interesting). It took us about an hour and a half to get there, but it's well worth the run out. Plus, we took a picnic, cold drinks and a flask, so it was a reasonable day out at £24 admission for a family of 4. Maybe we could arrange a WADAS day trip! ;)

Did you see the old orrery Vicky? I really like orreries.

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Did you see the old orrery Vicky? I really like orreries.

We saw the new orrery in the discovery centre. Very impressive, although it obviously does not include Pluto :(

We went for a walk through the gardens to find all the plaques for the planets and dwarf planets - I was shocked how far out Eris was!

Loved the whole place and would definitely go back.

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i been trying to do saturn, can get it in eyepiece cant get it on the chip,

have given up now since opposite neighbours kids decided to start shining lazer pen at my face from attic window,

will be having words with teh dad in mornng he is a decent bloke will sort them out

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Nice capture Vicky. Home tomorrow [emoji26] had a lovely week. Clear here at the moment can see Saturn Jupiter Venus Mark

Safe journey home tomorrow Mark. Venus has just dropped out of view from my back yard, however Jupiter has just come into view nicely.

Might drag the little scope down to my neighbour's front yard for a quick look at Saturn before I go to bed - can't resist! :)

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Bit off topic but. We have a couple of males visiting the nuts now... This one has a bit of a messy hairstyle the other one hasn't.

Slightly out of focus but you get the idea. They are coming at least three or four times every hour, think I need more food for them!


I hope it's clear for you guys tomorrow evening, been out this evening for Venus, Jupiter and Moon, with Saturn now just clearing the forest, patchy cloud up here ATM so managing to get some viewing in but too bright for any serious observing.

This is the Moon from earlier right where Saturn is now! ;)


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