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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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The light sky i guess didnt help. ill see if i can locate it with a bit of help from Goto :)

It didn't and it was about 1am when we found it. Was no hint of colour but we could make out the direction of the tail
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Got Lovejoy with the DSLR. It is at about 4 o'clock from Polaris. I have my 300mm lens on. With Polaris in the centre of the screen it is about 1 inch away just below another feint star. I'll post a photo if I get chance before bed :)

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Got Lovejoy with the DSLR. It is at about 4 o'clock from Polaris. I have my 300mm lens on. With Polaris in the centre of the screen it is about 1 inch away just below another feint star. I'll post a photo if I get chance before bed :)

nice one, i havnt made it out yet lol. 

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Got Lovejoy with the DSLR. It is at about 4 o'clock from Polaris. I have my 300mm lens on. With Polaris in the centre of the screen it is about 1 inch away just below another feint star. I'll post a photo if I get chance before bed :)

Good description, ive just looked it up on my tablet so might go out and have a little look for it now the skies are a bit darker

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I am wondering if you need a long exposure to capture it, and that it isn't visible naked eye - a bit like the horse head nebula. I'll upload a quick photo in a minute as I've just come in and fired up the laptop. It'll be my usual unprocessed job straight out of the camera ;)

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I am wondering if you need a long exposure to capture it, and that it isn't visible naked eye - a bit like the horse head nebula. I'll upload a quick photo in a minute as I've just come in and fired up the laptop. It'll be my usual unprocessed job straight out of the camera ;)

ill look forward to seeing it Vicky

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Nice one! lovejoy is faint indeed

Just checked what my camera settings were now I have uploaded it. It was my 300mm lens at F5.6, 30 seconds exposure at ISO 800.

I have taken several at different exposures and ISO settings, but at a quick glance through the one I posted seems the best.

Might have a play tomorrow and see if I can bring any more detail out.

For now it is bed as we are at a Dr Who concert extravaganza thing tomorrow evening, with monsters and a full orchestra, and we are getting super excited (the geeks that we are lol) :D

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Well done Vicky, very faint indeed!

Just been out for a scan and it is almost full cloud cover, it looked very promising earlier, but managed to spy Saturn just above the tree line... Best I could do so back in for more beer! ;)

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Liverpool to day off to see the planetarium [emoji1] and other museums [emoji53] never mind it's a trade off Mark

Let me know what the planetarium is like Mark as we are thinking of heading that way later in the week when my husband has a couple of days off work. He wants to take me to Jodrell Bank - have you been there yet? Is it worth a trip over? Let me know about both of these places to see if we can get to either of them this week :)

(We enjoy almost any kind of museum/exhibition, with science type and art galleries top of the list)

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Let me know what the planetarium is like Mark as we are thinking of heading that way later in the week when my husband has a couple of days off work. He wants to take me to Jodrell Bank - have you been there yet? Is it worth a trip over? Let me know about both of these places to see if we can get to either of them this week :)

(We enjoy almost any kind of museum/exhibition, with science type and art galleries top of the list)

Jodrell bank is well worth the trip if just to look at the awesome Lovell telescope.

I went there a few years ago now with my two daughters (see pics) They have an arboretum and all the planets laid out in scale to the sun and it's a fair walk to the former planet pluto





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Jodrell bank is amazing, enjoy it!

For all you twitchers we have had a new visitor to Kielder Farmhouse these last few days. He likes the nuts I have put out, but also is partial to the bread crust the kids have put out, and before you all tell me off for putting out bread I did make sure it was soaked first so it wouldn't swell any more! ;)


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Let me know what the planetarium is like Mark as we are thinking of heading that way later in the week when my husband has a couple of days off work. He wants to take me to Jodrell Bank - have you been there yet? Is it worth a trip over? Let me know about both of these places to see if we can get to either of them this week :)

(We enjoy almost any kind of museum/exhibition, with science type and art galleries top of the list)

Not been to Jodrell yet we're just setting off to the world museum to the planetarium. Been in the Albert docks and the museums and gallery. Will keep u informed


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Nice bird Soupy, it's a female Great Spotted Woodpecker I think.

I had one on my back garden earlier this year.

Bread isn't great for birds since it has a low nutritional value, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

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Jodrell bank is well worth the trip if just to look at the awesome Lovell telescope. I went there a few years ago now with my two daughters (see pics) They have an arboretum and all the planets laid out in scale to the sun and it's a fair walk to the former planet pluto Damian

Think we are going to try and get over there tomorrow (if we can get up early enough after the Dr Who concert this evening).

It'll probably take a couple of hours to get there so we'll want to be up and away for 9am ideally.

Looking forward to it, and I'll be sure to let you know about it if we do go ;)

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I carnt say anything about the planetarium as when we got to the museum all the tickets had gone. There is another on the other side of the river but by the time we had done china town and the cavern it was too late. By far the best thing we have seen to day was the cavern bar.


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