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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Is a deep dark well to fall into Vicky, but for some massive improvements quickly use page 119 and the following pages to discover how to adjust your layers. ;)

Thanks Soupy. I started reading it before Kielder, and just haven't got back round to it. I'm reading it through from cover to cover today to get a basic overview. I already had Gimp downloaded, but never used it as it scared me lol. I have been given a Photoshop Elements 11 disc, registration code and user manual which I have also downloaded. As recommended by yourself and Leigh (who has kindly lent me his book), I am going to have a look at curves and layers later, and possibly have a go at some basic processing of some of my images :)
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So the weather is looking good for Tuesday night - I really need to try the coma corrector and guiding before it's too late. Anyone up for going out?

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I may make it out Sam

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Yes and remember that the WADAS observing event next Saturday too as this will probably be the last outing for a couple of months due to darkness not falling until midnight.

Last night there was a lot of high cloud about which hindered viewing quite a bit, although both myself and Soupy now know how invaluable a decent finder scope is on a manual dob.

A 9x50 would be the bare minimum is the advice I'd give. If you are buying one then stretch to a right angle correct image one as this gives views of the correct orientation making it hell of a lot easier to find your way about using a star chart or app. The skywatcher one (see pic below) I have is very good although with this kind of finder you do need a red dot finder (see telrad below) to compliment it so you can eyeball the guide star you are starting from.



There are various incarnations of these two so whichever you choose finding your way about will be easier and your productivity on a night will improve no end


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Great image Vicky, processing is amazing when it goes right and brings out detail like that. ;)

Thanks Soupy - I've since had another go at it and manged to reduce a lot of the red hue from the bottom right hand corner. Processing is hard work, with much trial and error, and I have learned it is all too easy to go too far! :)


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Finally got around to modify my webcam can't remove the led so just taped over it for now

And guess what the clouds came in last night will try tonight

Might join you lot at winscar if that's alright


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Finally got around to modify my webcam can't remove the led so just taped over it for now

And guess what the clouds came in last night will try tonight

Might join you lot at winscar if that's alright


No problem hopefully it will be clear and we'll all get out


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Happy birthday Soupy! Hope you have a fab time up at Kielder with plenty of clear skies! :)

How have I missed Soupys birthday (25th he wishes lol)

Make the most of it hope you get a lie in

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Thanks for the birthday wishes chaps... Currently cloudy in Kielder, had a little lie in but not much as kiddie winks were up early plan on a few beers tonight so hoping it stays cloudy ;) if not I'll break out the terrascans. Now I have some serious aperture fever I might just look at making some sort of dob type mount to slot my celestron into, until I can sort out the motorised mount anyway. :)

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Yes and remember that the WADAS observing event next Saturday too as this will probably be the last outing for a couple of months due to darkness not falling until midnight.

Last night there was a lot of high cloud about which hindered viewing quite a bit, although both myself and Soupy now know how invaluable a decent finder scope is on a manual dob.

A 9x50 would be the bare minimum is the advice I'd give. If you are buying one then stretch to a right angle correct image one as this gives views of the correct orientation making it hell of a lot easier to find your way about using a star chart or app. The skywatcher one (see pic below) I have is very good although with this kind of finder you do need a red dot finder (see telrad below) to compliment it so you can eyeball the guide star you are starting from.



There are various incarnations of these two so whichever you choose finding your way about will be easier and your productivity on a night will improve no end


Never got on with a raci finder. So I just stick with my red dot finder and a 38mm wide angle ep to star hop. Takes a moment to get your head around the orientation and putting your chart the right way round to the view in your ep. But for me, it works better than a finder scope.

You also get the benefit of stumbling across fuzzies with the big light-grasp of the dob as you star hop. I frequently find myself distracted and scanning my charts for ngc's as I jump to my intended target.

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Finally got around to modify my webcam can't remove the led so just taped over it for now

And guess what the clouds came in last night will try tonight

Might join you lot at winscar if that's alright


have just done the LED in my vx3000 plug it into lappy and run cam software so the led is lit, (its near the switch for taking a one shot image on the pcb, just gently break it with a flat small  jewellers screwdriver, job done

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have just done the LED in my vx3000 plug it into lappy and run cam software so the led is lit, (its near the switch for taking a one shot image on the pcb, just gently break it with a flat small  jewellers screwdriver, job done

Hi will try that tonight do you keep the plastic lens thing or just throw it away


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