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Vicky! What have you done? I think the ioptron is on the list now! Seems to be the mount for life, lightweight, better pay load so I can upgrade no problem and has more accurate tracking too

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It's my phone, it's having a tantrum lol yeah I have read about the ioptron before and thought it were good but then I didn't really consider it because I've only had skywatcher mounts, but now I'm looking into saving for a new mount it's definitely going on the list and I'll keep looking into it and see what's the best option nearer the time - autumn probably by the time I can even consider buying anything if I'm lucky lol

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Thinking of treating myself to one (possibly a couple) of decent eyepieces that I can also use visually as well as with the DSLR. My kit lenses are ok, but it is next on my list of purchases to maximise my viewing pleasure. Been looking at either the Celestron Ultima Duo, or the Baader Hyperion eyepieces. Does anyone have any comments, good or bad, about either of these? The Celestron Duo looks like it is ready to go without buying additional adapters, as I already have a T-ring. I was just wondering about the visual quality of them. Any help and advice appreciated as always :)

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Thinking of treating myself to one (possibly a couple) of decent eyepieces that I can also use visually as well as with the DSLR. My kit lenses are ok, but it is next on my list of purchases to maximise my viewing pleasure. Been looking at either the Celestron Ultima Duo, or the Baader Hyperion eyepieces. Does anyone have any comments, good or bad, about either of these? The Celestron Duo looks like it is ready to go without buying additional adapters, as I already have a T-ring. I was just wondering about the visual quality of them. Any help and advice appreciated as always :)

Morning all.

I know Jim and Woozy have the Hyperions Vicky so you may be able to borrow them next time we're out?

On mounts Sam I'd also consider what software runs with them too and the periodic error of the gear system as less is always better. Also the classifieds are a good place to look


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I was chatting to Woozy last night, and we briefly talked about the Hyperions when we were talking about viewing M13 through their scope at Kielder. The Celestron Duo's are also very new out, so I might not get many reviews on them. Also, I have a chance of picking up second hand Hyperions in the classifieds. There is the starter set of 4 in SGL classifieds for £250, so at least I know there are options with the Hyperions which there probably won't be with the Celestrons with them being a new product. It'll be a month or so yet until I'm looking to buy, so I've time to check Woozy's out before then :)

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I use baader Hyperion eyepieces, they're great with quality views and a lot of eye relief, next time we're out I'll let you have a look through them.

Smashing Damien, I've done a bit of research though and it seems the ioptron is the best by far for AP at the price, it all depends on cash at the time though so I'm going to just save up and if money is there I'm going to go for the ioptron, if not I'll go for the NEQ6. They're both great mounts but I'm thinking about the future too, I know if I get the NEQ6 I will eventually want the ioptron.

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I use baader Hyperion eyepieces, they're great with quality views and a lot of eye relief, next time we're out I'll let you have a look through them. Smashing Damien, I've done a bit of research though and it seems the ioptron is the best by far for AP at the price, it all depends on cash at the time though so I'm going to just save up and if money is there I'm going to go for the ioptron, if not I'll go for the NEQ6. They're both great mounts but I'm thinking about the future too, I know if I get the NEQ6 I will eventually want the ioptron. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just checked it out (IQ45) Looks a good mount and slightly better resolution than the EQ6 so the blurb says. I would keep my eye on astro buy and sell though as there are sometimes bargains on there

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Part of me wishes I never started looking, someone has pointed me in the direction of an ioptron CEM60, and now I don't even know why I started, I'm now debating do I go for the cheaper ieq45 or save up even longer for the CEM60......I don't know what to do

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Just the talk of new astro gear is turning the sky's cloudy. It's only the other week I was told to get bird feeders instead of astro gear. If u all get your gear there will be no summer lol


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Vicky, before shelling out on hyperions - they dont work well in fast scopes. Not sure what scope you want to use for visual though but some of the reviews seem to suggest under F7 they really start breaking down. In slower scopes they are supposed to be good though. 

But for the price are they any better than BST starguiders? Depends on the optics on the scope if you will notice any real improvement between the BSTs and something more expensive. And dont forget all the other mid range 68 degree eps out there. For similar money there is a huge range of eps to choose from. Maxvisions, explore scientific etc etc You could even pick up some second hand glass like the pentax and televue if you dont mind a mix of manufacturers. Alternatively shell out on a really high quality zoom if its only for occasional visual work.

EP choice is even more confusing that mount choice. You can literally twist yourself in to knots.

ps. i am willing to sell my maxvision 16mm for what i paid for it (£50) - beautiful ep but the eye relief is too tight for me wearing my specs. Without my specs, I suffer astigmatism so unfortunately this ep has to go.

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don't panic I wont be buying anything in the near term there is a chance Ms H will be getting her redundancy notice next week,    if she does the plan si we are moving abroad,

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Thanks for the help and advice Nick. I was mainly think about getting an EP that could be used visually and with the DSLR. I was told there are really only the Hyperions and the new Celestron Duo that will do this? I'll be doing a good bit of research first though as they aren't the cheapest lenses.

Don't think the 16mm will be any good for me as a fellow specs wearer, but hopefully it will suit someone.

Both my scopes are slow. My 80mm frac is F9 and my 8SE is F10, and I have zero plans on changing my scopes anytime in the foreseeable future.

Sounds like you could have some big decisions ahead Leigh, but as long as you and Ms H are together and happy it'll work out fine wherever you move to :)

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Vicky, before shelling out on hyperions - they dont work well in fast scopes. Not sure what scope you want to use for visual though but some of the reviews seem to suggest under F7 they really start breaking down. In slower scopes they are supposed to be good though. 

But for the price are they any better than BST starguiders? Depends on the optics on the scope if you will notice any real improvement between the BSTs and something more expensive. And dont forget all the other mid range 68 degree eps out there. For similar money there is a huge range of eps to choose from. Maxvisions, explore scientific etc etc You could even pick up some second hand glass like the pentax and televue if you dont mind a mix of manufacturers. Alternatively shell out on a really high quality zoom if its only for occasional visual work.

EP choice is even more confusing that mount choice. You can literally twist yourself in to knots.

ps. i am willing to sell my maxvision 16mm for what i paid for it (£50) - beautiful ep but the eye relief is too tight for me wearing my specs. Without my specs, I suffer astigmatism so unfortunately this ep has to go.

I can recommend the BST eyepieces as they are fantastic and really comfortable to use. I had the 25,12,8 and 5mm. Don't think they would be any help for photography though 

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Hi Nicks90 to use a camera and eyepiece with your telescope you can use one of these       http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HIGH-QUALITY-1-25-VARIABLE-UNIVERSAL-CAMERA-ADAPTOR-for-TELESCOPES-NEW-50P-/201348787578?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2ee152ad7a      It gives variable magnification for planetary or lunar photography, your eyepiece fits inside the sllder and the distance to your camera altered to suit what you are photographing. Exposure is difficult and there are articles on the web with formulae to help as a starting point.

hopes this helps.

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