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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Well the clear or at least patchy night hasn't materialised so will have to wait till tomorrow now!

Yeah, I went out about 15 minutes ago hoping for a quiet half hour in the garden, but came straight back in and poured myself a nice glass of red instead. Hopefully tomorrow evening will be better :)

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Damian's not been updating us with Southern skies reports for a while - wonder if he is back on the vodka again making the most of his last night on his holly-jollies ;)

Hi all

Just at the airport for the journey home and unfortunately my viewing report from last night doesn't seem to have appeared.

Last night was an early start as we had my friend's apartment to clean before heading home.

I could see Venus and Jupiter high in the sky at dusk but didn't see much until we got back at around 3 (1am back home) when I sat out and braved the mosquito bites to have a good scan.

Many of the constellations were visible (I counted 21) and it was a pleasure yet again.

Saturn was high and Antares was very red and surprisingly still doing a good impression of Mars which it is normally mistaken for.

Soon home so I'll tie the clear skies to the back bumper of the plane


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Don't know what happened with the clouds again this evening. Beautiful clear skies early evening, and then in roll the thick clouds again :(

You'll have to do some research on those mounts Sam - it's great looking at new gear. I spend ages pouring over the pages of adverts in the astronomy magazines lol.

Lovely report from your last evening on holiday Damian. Hopefully you'll be back home safe now, but I'll be having words when I see you as you didn't seem to bring back clear skies........... ;)

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The bug is biting me too much so I've decided to save up for either an NEQ6 or CGEM goto, is the CGEM worth the extra money? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just found this little article Sam, don't know if you have already read it, or if it of any use to you


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I love looking at gear but then I look at the prices and end up in a cold sweat lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I just end up drooling over the pictures of scopes, mounts and imaging gear. And I'm all "ooh" and "aah", and my husband is thinking "What the heck is she reading???" LOL. He just doesn't get it........

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Vicky! What have you done? I think the ioptron is on the list now! Seems to be the mount for life, lightweight, better pay load so I can upgrade no problem and has more accurate tracking too

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Vicky! What have you done? I think the ioptron is on the list now! Seems to be the mount for life, lightweight, better pay load so I can upgrade no problem and has more accurate tracking too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Haha, I don't know, what have I done??? LOL. I only Googled Ioptron mount and that came up! Don't blame me ;)

I would have a chat with a few of the other guys, to get sone advice of how they handle and perform in the real world.

Half the fun is in the choosing!

Glad I could confuse you even more - enjoy!

Got to agree though, that article does give the Ioptron a massive thumbs up, but I have zero experience and knowledge in any of this stuff. I just like looking at the pictures, and I haven't even managed to polar align my CG3 mount yet, so you're alright asking me lol ;)

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