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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Holiday very good but I'm slurring a bit tonight as on the 15th round not good at my age! Hic! Hope you've all managed to get out I know scorpio looks good from down here and I've managed to pick out sagittarius too. Spica threw me a curved ball earlier being so high!

Missing you all though and my mirror he he ;-)

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Don't think 15 rounds is good at any age Damian!

Never thought I'd hear you say you'd be missing the mirror. Seems you will come back with renewed vigour to get it finished... That's great :)

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Don't think 15 rounds is good at any age Damian!

Never thought I'd hear you say you'd be missing the mirror. Seems you will come back with renewed vigour to get it finished... That's great :)

That was just the half of it, and today the self inflicted pain is really making itself felt. No it's not good at any age Vodka Hey Ho!

Hope you guys have managed to get out and well done on the photo's Vicky and Ryan

Well it was very clear again last night and I could make out Leo, Bootes, Hercules and Lyra very easily.

I am ready for some more mirror work as the Autumn season will be upon us before we know it.

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Hope you have recovered now Damian - you have to go steady at your age lol ;)

When are you coming back home again?

You haven't missed any viewing opportunities whilst you have been away :(

Just to let you all know there are a couple of Astronomy type programmes on BBC4 starting at 8pm, followed by new Sky at Night at 10pm.

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Hope you have recovered now Damian - you have to go steady at your age lol ;)

When are you coming back home again?

You haven't missed any viewing opportunities whilst you have been away :(

Just to let you all know there are a couple of Astronomy type programmes on BBC4 starting at 8pm, followed by new Sky at Night at 10pm.

Yes I've recovered quite a bit so a steadier one tonight as we've only just made it out as it's 2 hours in front here.

Sorry to hear I've not missed much in observing circles

Here is the viewing report from the WADAS southern observer

I had an hour to peruse the heavens this evening and Antares the main star in Scorpio was at about 20 degrees in the sky and Saturn is much higher due to the southern latitude perhaps 30degrees

Betelguise and Sirius were still in the skies as dusk fell which seems to go on forever and I just picked out the belt stars of Orion (Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka)

Lots to see and it would be nice to have a big scope in such great skies down here but naked eye from a bright town still reveals a lot. Best thing though you don't need 20 layers to keep warm just shorts and tshirt


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Cheers soupy on't beer again

So am I, just so happens that I'm sat in cold, dark, cloudy Yorkshire, whereas you are galavanting about in the hot, cloudless Mediterranean night! :p

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Nice Sourhern viewing report there Damian - I miss Orion in our skies as it is always a lovely constellation to observe either naked eye or with binos/scope.

Sounds like you are having a blast - you'll need another week off work to recover lol ;)

Yes, the weather reports do look favourable for the next couple of evenings, so fingers crossed!

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Cheers Vicky

Had a steady one last night as we were all shattered!

Up bright and early and only having two days left we need to get my friend's apartment sorted ready for the coming season.

It looks a lot like Yorkshire today as there is lots of high cloud about but still warm.

Hope the weather picks up back home for you all and it will be good to get out again

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Yep keep those clouds there Damian.. We need some clear skies. Next two nights wind is not looking too promising though! Will have to judge on the night

The wind is to drop as we're supposed to get frost. I've just had a 3 day weekend and as usual it's going to be fine for two nights. I'll be glad when I retire. Will have to see how it goes in the next 3 years

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Yep keep those clouds there Damian.. We need some clear skies. Next two nights wind is not looking too promising though! Will have to judge on the night

Maybe some clear skies here late tomorrow night, clearing after midnight on the current forecast, but thats it currently for the week

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