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You will love a dual speed focuser, they make so much difference to a standard one, I have been considering an ASI 120, I think you've just convinced me to save up and get one lol

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Haha, I showed my husband your images Ryan, and he said "So, what's going to be on your shopping list next then?" LOL. To be honest, I had been considering selling the DMK monochrome, and getting a one shot colour CCD, but I think I was just wanting to go too quickly and I haven't even tried using the filter wheel yet. I believe that the hard work and time is in the processing, and you did a sterling job there Ryan. Were all the programmes (except PS6) free, or do you have to pay some for them? I'm going to try downloading them and have a go at reprocessing some of my AVI files of Jupiter. I might be tapping you for guidance after your holidays if I find I'm struggling ;)

Whilst I am on, does anyone know if there is any reason that my 8SE would not go on a sturdy EQ mount, if I ever invested in one in the future? It has a dovetail bar attached to the OTA. Just thinking ahead as the scope is great, but it is not the easiest to control with the key pad. I have never really been that bothered about the GoTo function as I prefer to hunt things down by star hopping. Just thinking if I got a good EQ mount, I could manually find things a bit easier, rather than struggling with the hand control. Any thoughts chaps?

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I don't see why not Vicky. I know you 8se is bigger then my 127 Mac and I've used that on my eq5. You know I have a 200 pds on my eq5 and I don't think it's any heavier than that.


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Thanks Mark, I was thinking of going for the EQ5, unless something else comes up reasonable or second hand when I am looking to buy. Don't think it'll be any time soon though, and then I'll have to decide if I am going to need something suitable for DSO AP. It's a black hole lol ;)

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Thanks Mark, I was thinking of going for the EQ5, unless something else comes up reasonable or second hand when I am looking to buy. Don't think it'll be any time soon though, and then I'll have to decide if I am going to need something suitable for DSO AP. It's a black hole lol ;)
Well Vicky, please I beg you, do not buy an EQ5 until you come and talk me, I want to upgrade to an NEQ6 so when you decide to upgrade I can let mine go for a deal :)

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Vicky, the only program I've paid for is Astra Image 4.0. It does a fantastic job of sharpening images. It was £10. CS6 photoshop is a hooky copy I downloaded lol

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Vicky, the only program I've paid for is Astra Image 4.0. It does a fantastic job of sharpening images. It was £10. CS6 photoshop is a hooky copy I downloaded lol

Thanks Ryan. I'm going to see how I get on before I pay for Astra Image 4.0.

I have been given the original disc and book for a Photoshop Elements 11 by my sister-in-law's mum as she has upgraded to the latest PS, although I haven't installed it yet. Thanks for the info :)

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I don't see why not Vicky. I know you 8se is bigger then my 127 Mac and I've used that on my eq5. You know I have a 200 pds on my eq5 and I don't think it's any heavier than that. Mark

Yes, I thought you had your 200pds on the EQ5. It's just in the spec it says that they recommend a maximum of a 6" SCT or 8" Newtonian reflector. I'll have to compare the weight of the OTA for the 200pds to the OTA for the 8SE.

Sam - I have sent you a message about this :)

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Goodness me I've been away for a couple of minutes and the thread has moved on two pages you chatty lot

Was a little shocked today I saw a cloud!

Oh and welcome to Jenny too


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Think they are approx. the same weight Vicky, the reduced length is countered by the extra glass in the 8SE.

The problem could be with the balance, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. :)

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There will be no harm in trying it out when I feel ready to give it a go - thanks for all your advice chaps.

Had a quick go at re-processing an old AVI of Jupiter using ASII, although I haven't installed PS yet.

I can definitely see an improvement and I should be able to get more detail once I get everything up and running.

But for now, it's time for a beer :)


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Think they are approx. the same weight Vicky, the reduced length is countered by the extra glass in the 8SE. The problem could be with the balance, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. :)

Just checked on-line and the OTA for the 8SE is 24lb, and the OTA for the 200p is approx. 19.5lb. Not that much in it, and probably worth seeing how it goes on an EQ5 when I am ready :)
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You might want to consider the HEQ5 Vicky as that is considered the minimum needed for decent long exposure astro photography, the EQ5 is a good mount but just a little under rated when it comes to the extra weight needed for extra imaging equipment attached to the OTA. If you're not going to use it for astro photography then it should be up to the job, but you might change your mind and then you'll want to upgrade again in the future.

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Thanks for the warm welcome, looking forward to a time when i know what your all talking about. I have alot to learn.

Yeah I hope to do that at some point too


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Thanks for the warm welcome, looking forward to a time when i know what your all talking about. I have alot to learn.

There are lots of helpful individuals so you'll pick it up quickly, I'm still catching up


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