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Hi all. Just about to take the plunge and start gazing. I've been looking at many forums over the weekend and liked the look of this one the most so decided to join!!! My names Steve and I'm from the Northants area, I use to do a bit of shooting and started getting into optics from them on. Just about to purchase my first telescope so please help me out on the questions if you can!!! Many thanks and looking forward to getting to know you. Steve :)

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Welcome to SGL Steve. Used to live that way myself. There's some great folks on here and have a look around the beginners sections as there'll be loads of questions already asked that will help, I am sure. Above all, enjoy the forum!

Look forward to seeing you around.

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It's a great idea to Start asking here before you buy, as there are so many things to consider... But be aware that you end up with more questions then you started with, after a dozen people posted different reccomendations ;-)

Ha ha yes that's normally the case with forums!! Its also a good place for others to spend your money for you!

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Hi Phil, great someone close already!! I'm in Hardingstone. Hopefully you will be able to point me in the right direction! just about to create a thread on starter scopes (if I can find the right section) haha. :)

Good luck, I will help where I can but there are loads of things to consider when buying a scope, so you are right to be patient and ask the right questions :smiley:  

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Many thanks all. A little bit more about me...

I work in Formula 1, we paint the Marussia Formula 1 car and various other parts for RedBull. Our workshop is on a farm out in the middle of nowhere and its on top of a big hill, perfect location for a bit of star gazing!! I'm use to being out at night as I'd always be out lamping (shooting) Most of the time tho I'd be lying in the pitch black in the middle of a field looking at the moon throught the scope of my gun, I guess that's how I ended up here. I've always been fascinated by endless space and I cant wait to take a closer look and really getting to know the skies, it's pretty awesome stuff!

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If you enjoy looking through a shooting scope, you'll be amazed what even a pair of 20€ binoculars or a 25€ telescope will show you :-)

It's an amazing universe.

Yes I also had a spotting scope for when I was zeroing in at long ranges, the view of the moon through that was incredible!!

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If you still have it, try it atr Andromeda, the double Star Cluster, open star clusters in general, and of course the planets :-)

Have you installed the free Stellarium yet? It also enables you to simulate spotting scopes, binoculars and telescopes (though the views are hubble fotographs and such, it will never look that way in reality, but it helps learning how the field of view through an eyepiece will be).

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If you still have it, try it atr Andromeda, the double Star Cluster, open star clusters in general, and of course the planets :-)

Have you installed the free Stellarium yet? It also enables you to simulate spotting scopes, binoculars and telescopes (though the views are hubble fotographs and such, it will never look that way in reality, but it helps learning how the field of view through an eyepiece will be).

Sadly it was stolen out of my car along with a load of fishing equipment :(.

No I haven't installed Stellarium yet but I'm just about to do so, is it kind of a 'Where to look' guide?? :)

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Eyepiece plugin description http://www.stellarium.org/wiki/index.php/Oculars_plugin

(or just fool around using alt+o, ctrl-o, and/or rightclick menu, there's probably a tutorial on here or youtube, else ask if you have questions ;-) )

If you have an android phone, try Astro Tools, not as "pretty' compared to Stellarium, but will show lots of information, the field of view to expect with the set up telescope and eyepieces, telrad circles and such...

sadly phones will ruin your eye's dark adaption, but you can tape a dark red transparency sheet over it to at least decrease the problems.

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Yes, it's real time, but you can fast forward or set a time and date, also enable constellation drawings, lines, planet tracks, deep sky object names...

You can also set sky conditions, simulate telescope views, track objects, ...

It's an amazing programm.

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After having another play around on it I've been searching for Saturn. Please could you check this for me. My locaton is Northampton UK. According to the programme Saturn is visable between 5 and 7pm. Now from my back door I have a really good view of the moon around 7pm. So would Saturn only be seen from the front of my house? I.e opposite to the moon?? Sorry if these questions are a little silly but as I say I'm an absolute noob hahah :)

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Right now Saturn sets rather early and is not up high in the sky, making it difficult to observe. When it's not dark some details will not be visible, when it's not up high in the sky you'll have to view it through a lot of air, and turbulances are more likely ;-)

Not to mention the risk of viewing the sun without filter ;-)

As I am on my cellphone at the moment I can not check it, but if you search for planet visibilty you'll find sites like http://astronomycentral.co.uk/planets-to-see-in-the-sky-tonight/

I hope this helps!

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