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A question on shade!


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Hello everyone, I just spent a frantic 45 mins outside while the sun was still out, desperately trying to get as much capture as I could before it went away forever... and as I squinted and winced while I tried to find somewhere I could actually make out vaguely what was one the laptop whilst being still in reach of the focus and tuning on the scope, I got to wondering how do you all setup so you can actually not only control your scope but actually see the effects at the same time?

Do you just throw a big cloak over the top, or maybe you sit under a gazebo, or maybe a fishing hide?

Anyway, I've been playing with the PST Tal100 stage 1 conversion and got probably my sharpest surface detail capture yet, while I had to crop most of it away because I couldn't see on the laptop screen that 75% of it had been obliterated by my mis-tuned hotspot! I reckon I'll be able to do even better when I can see what I'm doing....

Oh, one more question....in Autostakkert 2 I quite often find that the "reference frame" it computes is actually better than the final stacked image! Does anyone know is it possible to extract that image?

many thanks, Andy


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I made a simple box with a letterebox sized viewing hole that fits over the laptop screen. Then I added some cloth to pull over my head.

Its not always the best solution, but you could try just stacking the best 2 frames. You can't stack just one frame with AS!2.

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At home I sit in our summerhouse. At work I put the computer in the boot/hatchback of the car. Elsewhere I put the laptop in a box.

After years of working outside in all weathers I have the best way to see a laptop screen in bright sunshine is to stand with your back to the sun, the laptop is then shaded by your body. As you are looking away from the sun, your pupil opens as far as it will and you can see the screen. Of course you have to adjust the scope with a back hand, but it just takes a little practise.


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Good shot, Notty, lots of detail. I made a shade after being inspired by Steve's, though his one is much more professional-looking than mine! (I will post a pic of mine later to give everyone a laugh at my lack of DIY skills - it does the job though, so I love it!)

I find it much easier now to focus, I can actually see some contrast :grin: See this thread:

Sun inWhite Sunday 18 Aug

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I bought a red cardboard storage box from Poundstretcher. It folds up and has 4 press studs to keep it together. My lappy just fits in to it nicely. When you are finished, either fold it up or use it to store your stuff.


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I've found it's often easiest to sit with a sheet over me whilst I get the image focused. I often work with my back to a south-facing pale coloured wall and the Sun reflects off that and lights up the laptop screen even when I'm sitting fairly close to it. Unfortunately sitting the other way around isn't really feasible.


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The good thing about my pop-up is that out of the top folds a piece of material to go over your head and that's what really makes the difference. (and of course it folds right down flat which makes it easy to store and transport)

Here's it in action!!



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It scores 0 for build quality, not like Steve's William Optics build quality masterpiece, but it works :grin:

I think it took me about an hour and a half, using finest grade Amazon parcel and a lotta parcel tape for holding it together and damp-proofing. I was in a hurry as I wanted to image later and wondered if I'd do a better Mk II. It's been time well spent as it's improved things a lot. :laugh: I won't bother waiting for FLO to call...


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