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Televue - decisions, decisions. Help needed!!


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A challenge for you all. Stick with it, this is a longish post! I am looking for some input into decisions I need to make regarding which eyepieces I should keep. I have built up a rather nice collection which is now too big and and I need to slim it down a little, in part for financial reasons but also to simplify which ep's I use for which targets/scopes. I've not had much scope time with some of these ep's which is making things more difficult, but I am driving myself a little mad with an apparent unwillingness to let go of anything so I need some group therapy to assist with overcoming this addiction :-).

My scopes are:

Televue 76

Travel scope to take abroad or away with me in the UK when I need a compact kit

Astrotech 106EDT

This is my most used scope currently, both at home and also taken away in the car when I go camping. Wonderful widefield views of nebulae and open clusters. Also very credible planetary performance

Orion Optics OMC200

My planetary, Lunar, glob and small DSO scope. Used less often but lovely when it is. This can be discounted from the discussion as I have a dedicated set of TV Plossls for it

Orion Optics SX250

Still being refurbed, but this is my biggest scope, 10" f4.8

The OMC is used on a Sphinx Goto Mount, but the TV is mainly used on a Mini Giro, and the 106 on a Giro II.

In future, I plan to sell the SX250 and get something like a 12" f5.3 dob, and possibly a 14" f4.6 or 16" f4 when funds and space allow.

So, my somewhat bloated set of ep's in the mid to low power, widefield range is as follows:

13mm Ethos

17mm Type 4 Nagler

17mm Ethos

21mm Ethos

22mm Type 4 Nagler

24mm Panoptic

31mm Type 5 Nagler

Ideally I want to sell one, or maybe two of these ep's. In terms of requirements, it is not just about which is optically the best. With my TV76, I often try to travel light, just using the Mini Giro Mount and so the smaller Nag and Panoptics work well for this. The 31mm Nag gives a wonderful 3.68 degree field in the 106mm, so I am unlikely to sell this.

My current thoughts are to sell the 17mm Ethos and the 22mm Nagler and keep the rest. I am struggling with the idea of parting with the 17mm Ethos, so would appreciate some views about the jump from 13mm to 21mm. I would still have a 17mm Nag in between. Although the 21mm Ethos and 31mm Nag seem close, having used them both and read much about them, I think I can justify keeping both.

This would leave me with:

13mm Ethos. - Nuff said. x53, 1.88 deg FOV, 2mm exit pupil in AT106

17mm Type 4 Nagler - x28, 2.9 deg FOV, 2.7mm exit pupil in the TV76

21mm Ethos - x33, 3 deg FOV, 3.2mm exit pupil in AT106

24mm Panoptic - x20, 3.4 deg FOV, 3.8mm exit pupil in the TV76

31mm Type 5 Nagler - x22, 3.68 deg FOV, 4.8mm exit pupil in the AT106

There are just so many options, for instance, keep the 22mm Nag and sell the Panoptic as the Nag has a smaller exit pupil and wider fov, but there is something in me which wants to keep a nice, compact 1.25" ep in my collection, plus the Nag would get a higher resale price - am I mad?

If I set as a parameter that I will keep the Panoptic, and one of the Type 4 Naglers (as my travel kit) and one out of the 17 and 21mm Ethos, which would you keep and why? Disregard any higher mag requirements as I have these covered!

In say a 14" f4.6, I would have:

13mm Ethos - x123, 0.81 deg FOV, 2.8mm exit pupil

17mm Type 4 Nagler - x94, 0.87 deg FOV, 3.7mm exit pupil

21mm Ethos - x76, 1.31 deg FOV, 4.6mm exit pupil

24mm Panoptic - x64, 1.02 deg FOV, 5.2mm exit pupil

31mm Type 5 Nagler - x 52, 1.59 deg FOV, 6.8mm exit pupil

This would probably make the 24 and 31mm pretty much redundant in this scope, but the 21mm Ethos would be lovely.

If you have got this far, then thank you! Thoughts, experiences and ideas appreciated but to save information over load, please focus on which of the eps I should sell, don't suggest buying different ones!!!!! :-) :-)



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hi Stu

personally I'd sell the 17mm Nagler and the 22mm Nagler.

the 17 T4 has the same field as the 13E

the 21mm and 31mm cover widest fields in all scopes at home and the 24mm when in the field with the smaller scope.

if you want a bit more magnification in the field you can add a couple of TV plossls (15mm and 11mm maybe?) to the 76 for a light travel kit. they also cover your PST.

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I personally think if you are struggling to work out what to sell and it isn't obvious then you shouldn't sell any. Only when it's absolutely obvious should you sell anything.

If it's for financial reasons then I'd go with Shane's sound advice above.

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Jonathan, that's not helping!!! :-) that sort of thinking is precisely how I ended up with so many in the first place! :-)

Shane, thanks, that is certainly a thought. I guess it's a question of whether the Panoptic can cover off my Widefield requirements when traveling, or if I'm loosing anything by not having a 2" ep with me? Taking emotion out of it, the Panoptic would probably be perfect.

I have the range of TV Plossls too, well from 11mm upwards so have plenty of compact options available if necessary, plus the Panoptic is easier to balance on the Mini Giro.

All other views welcomed :-)


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Jonathan, that's not helping!!! :-) that sort of thinking is precisely how I ended up with so many in the first place! :-)

Shane, thanks, that is certainly a thought. I guess it's a question of whether the Panoptic can cover off my Widefield requirements when traveling, or if I'm loosing anything by not having a 2" ep with me? Taking emotion out of it, the Panoptic would probably be perfect.

I have the range of TV Plossls too, well from 11mm upwards so have plenty of compact options available if necessary, plus the Panoptic is easier to balance on the Mini Giro.

All other views welcomed :-)


I can see there is a specific purpose for each which is why I wouldn't sell any.

The Panoptics are much more suited to traveling, the Naglers have more comfortable eye relief and the Ethoses have the wider fields.

Up to you in the end of course ;).

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Yes, very true. Unfortunately finances do come into it, and also having a nice rational set so you know what to use for each situation helps avoid too much indecision and swapping when observing.

I would love to keep them all, but the reality is that I won't use them all so some do need to go.

I actually don't have a problem with the eye relief on the Ethos, so Shane's suggestion may make most sense. It won't give me as much cash (which is a consideration) but there is a nice purity to having all same ep type. It was the size issue which was leading me to keep one Nagler, but if the Panoptic covers travel requirements then there is no real need to keep them.

Will do some side by sides and think some more :-)


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If you have the 32mm Plossl (which you allude to) I think the 24mm Pan is showing more or less an identical amount of sky but with a better exit pupil. If I had a 24mm Pan, I wouldn't have a 32mm Plossl. Not much to be made selling it but I guess it all adds up (if you even have this one, you haven't listed it and with a 24 Pan and 31 Nag I bet you don't have it)

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You are correct about the 32mm Plossl, but wrong because I do have one :-).

I use these Plossls with the OMC200 which at f20 has a somewhat extreme 4000mm focal length. The 32mm Plossl gives a 1.6mm exit pupil vs 1.2 for the 24mm so does still serve a purpose. I like having a range of same fov eps for this scope.


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Like Shane, the two that stand out for me are both the t4's. The 13 & 21 Ethos sort of make them redundant?

Quite right Damo, the only reason for considering keeping one or other T4 was the size/weight for travel


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Or vice versa indeed, you'd get a huge liquiditaion selling off the Ethos but who in their right mind would sell a 13 and 21mm Ethos? :)

Yep, no intention to sell these two. The 17e was a potential but seems like the view is keep this and just use the 24mm Pan for travel


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Or vice versa indeed, you'd get a huge liquiditaion selling off the Ethos but who in their right mind would sell a 13 and 21mm Ethos? :)

Guilty on the 13mm! I needed a mount for my binocular and sacrificed (temporarily) the 13E to fund it. Have to agree though, the 13 & 21 Ethos are a match made in heaven :-)

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Just had to look up OMC200, that's a unique look scope. I bet it's amazing on planets, moon and doubles (sorry for off topic)

Yep, it is a lovely scope. It can be annoying as hell at times, cool down takes a long time and it is prone to dewing up badly inside and out but when it is behaving it gives wonderful views. You get lovely images and great image scale so can use longer f/l eps with better eye relief but still get the magnifications. A 32mm Plossl gives x125 for instance, another good reason to keep it in the kit. The 24mm gives x167, sometimes too much, despite the similar fov.


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If you get rid of the T4s, you certainly have most bases covered, for truly lightweight travel the 24 Pan is great, and you could add a Powermate or barlow for handy extra focal lengths when travelling. I use a MaxVision 24mm 68 deg EP combined with a 2x TeleXtender and 2.5x PowerMate in that role, though mainly for solar (both in the LS35 and the APM 80mm with 1.25" Herschel wedge). I also gather that optically, the Ethos line is superior to the Naglers as well, it is not just a matter of larger FOV.

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the other issue (and one of the reasons I have never bitten the bullet and sold my 13E) is that the Ethos are much more (financially) painful to replace and if I ever sold mine I doubt I'd ever replace it so I am keeping it. I have thought many times about selling it and getting a 12mm T4 to do with my 16mm T2 (which between them cover the same as the 13E but have never managed to convince myself.

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.... I also gather that optically, the Ethos line is superior to the Naglers as well, it is not just a matter of larger FOV.....

Having "migrated" from Naglers to Ethos can say with some confidence that this is correct. The differences are not huge of course but there is quite a lot more to the Ethos than the 100 degree field of view.

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Thanks all for your input, much appreciated. Seems like the two T4's will be making an appearance on the classifieds sometime soon, along with a number of other goodies :-). Will just do a sanity check with the 24mm Panoptic v 22mm Nag in the TV76 before I commit myself!!!



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Stu its always a difficult decision to sell quality EPs especially now that TeleVue has dropped its prices. When I use my 10" Dob or 6" Newt I only ever use 3 EPs - 21mm, 13mm and 8mm Ethos - I don't see the need for further EPs when I observe DSOs. So taking that into consideration I would sell the 17mm Nagler and the 24mm Panoptic. I now have a 180mm Mak Cass and again these are the main EPs + a 38mm Panaview. So keeping your 31mm Nagler is a good idea.

When it comes to TV76 as a travel scope I would use the 22mm Nagler as my wide EP and to save on space I would use the money to buy a quality Zoom and Barlow. I am going away next week to a dark site and taking my WO SD66 with my 20mm Nagler, Hyperion zoom + Hyperion matched barlow and a 2.5mm Planetary EP - that is enough weight to carry and will allow wide views plus good magnification for doubles etc.

Stu good luck with your decision which I know is not going to be easy.


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