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Astro slugs...


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I thought slugs and and snails were fatal for dogs?

I dunno. Try telling my dog that. If i tried to stop her eating one, she would end up eating my hand.

I think its lung worm that they carry, and are bad news for dogs. I did give the dog a worming tablet about 5 weeks ago, so she should be ok. They last about 6 mths.

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Slugs - apparently another good reason to build an obsy - mine's 3ft off the ground and no problems so far with flying slugs :grin:

My daughter has a water bowl for the birds but the slugs try swimming in the bowl and her two westie terriers took an interest - solution raise the bowl so the dogs can't reach the bowl :rolleyes:

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I too sometimes suffer from squelchy foot syndrome as I make my way to and from the observatory. However, I have a nightly visit from at least one friendly gastropod slayer that snuffles, grunts, munches and crunches his/her way through a multitude of slugs and snails every night - the mighty hedgehog. Seriously, it's a slug feast for the hedgehogs every night. You can find more about how to encourage these increasingly scarce great little animals at http://www.theguardi...or-garden-pests The only problem I've had with hedgehogs is that I once nearly trod on one as it ambled past the observatory door. On a different note - please don't use slug pellets - they kills lots of things other than slugs, including cats, slowworms, lizards, grass snakes and rather ironically - hedgehogs.. If you live near a watercourse or a well it can also end up in your drinking water - not good!

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