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NGC 6872, NGC 6876, NGC 6880, NGC 6877 and a few others


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The 5th night in obs in a week, fantastic!! Tonight I thought I'd go for something a bit different and focused on the area around Pavo. There's a very interesting little galaxy in this area called NGC 6872 which is a spiral that has been disrupted by its neighbour so has very long and diffuse spiral arms. It lies about 220 million light years away so it's pretty small, and ancient!

I managed to get 5 hours of data made up of 60 X 300sec exposures by a Canon 1000D (modded). The telescope is a 250px. QHY5 guider through an OAG. The processing was DSS and PixInsight. PHD and EQMOD for the driving.

Here's a smorgasbord of galaxies:


And some labels:



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This is a very interesting image, this area of sky is not really available here. But even more interesting is the fact that you were able to observe for 5 nights in one week. Perhaps it is a consequence of living upside-down...


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Thanks for looking and your comments. There's a few other patches of galaxies in the areas around Pavo so I'm going to revisit the area the next time it's clear and moonless. Pavo is visible all year round here. :)

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Marvellous stuff. We are currently testing a piece of new code to replace or improve SExtractor (Source Extractor) for automatic detection of faint sources on Sloan Digital Sky Survey images. Might be interesting to try these on this kind of image (16 bit or higher resolution for preference), just to see if there are faint fuzzies lurking in the background

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