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Small NGC 891


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Just when I need a long focal length I've gone and sold my NS8. Got a Vixen SC200L on order but that's going to take ages. I've wanted to image this galaxy for a long time so had a go with the ED120 but it's a bit short. Planned around 4 hours but in the end the clouds rolled in after less than 2 hours. SXV H9. 200sec lum subs - about 70mins worth and 50 secs RGB about 16 mins of each.

As always, captured and combined with Maxim. 2 iterations of deconvolution with CCDsharp then processed in PS.

It needed more time but what it really needs is the Vixen Visac.


(click to enlarge)

Strange how the transfer to the forum has introduced red into the background

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You obviously have set yourself very high standards Martin, and you must know exactly where your quality acceptance lies, but all I can say, is that is just superb, and I would be hard put to make any criticism, supposing I could find anything to comment on.

It's just a lovely sight.

Ron. :(

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