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Baader Scopos? Have you pulled the pin of this hand grenade?


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That looks very large and hefty for a 70 deg. It is larger than the 40mm TMB Paragon I had (same as SW Aero). The Paragon worked fine in my F/6 scope. There is a review including the 30mm Scopos here:


The Baader Aspherics are the successors to this EP.

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I like big eyepieces. If you're using it for visual on NEQ6, it shouldn't really be a problem weight wise. This one is 1.2Kg. I just can't comprehend how an EP this size weighs that much...

By the way, Michael, the 30mm version doesn't have much of a praise. I found some limited reviews on this 35mm...they seem pretty positive.

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The review is quite short, but it seems to be a good EP, if a bit heavy.

I've seen some disapproval of the 30mm regarding some astigmatism and seagulls around the AFOV very edge, but its big brother, 35mm, looks like is the receiver of most praise. Will keep looking...

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Will definitely do. But guys, these Scopos 35mm EPs are becoming rare. I bought it from 365Astronomy and it was the last one in stock...so basically, if it turns out to be great you'll either be lucky to find ones or you'll simply hate me :D

They still sell them on Astronomia.co.uk ...and some dealer in Europe. Google it.

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Down to you for the review then, I have to say I looked at getting one of these about 4 years ago, but got talked into the 40mm SWA Meade which I still have and can't get rid of. Wish I had got this now I would have had a customer and a good deal more cash in my pocket.

Good luck and enjoy.


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The Baader Scopos 35mm has arrived.

First impression, weighty and big. It definitely feels like you're holding a very bulky yet substantially high quality item in your hand. See the size in comparison with an Omni 40mm Plossl and a 8mm Baader Hyperion Modular.

Same as the Baader hyperion series, it comes with a leather bag and an extra 2" cap. The top rubber extends as well.

At first look, having tested it on terrestrial objects, it's sharp, clean and definitely high contrast from edge to edge. Very comfortable to use if you ignore the weight.

On my 152mm F/5.9 refractors it sits snugly and doesn't really stand out that much as bulky and out of proportions. It's a big frac anyway!

I'm yet to test it in a real astronomical environment if the weather allows of course. They say, it's going to be briefly clear tonight. Looking outside the window, it doesn't seem really promising.

One problem though, I have no clue where to store it...it's too big for a standard eyepiece padded case. I think it'll need to sit on the side for the time being. :)

Until I have tested it properly, enjoy the photos!






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