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Moon, 23rd April


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I was worried I'd forgotten what I was doing with this. It seems so long since I last had a chance. Couldn't pass up the opportunity to get an image of the moon with some of the eastern limb craters showing up nicely though.

I took 120 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO800 with the 450D and 127 Mak, preprocessed them in PIPP and dropped 20 because of cloud, stacking 55 of the remaining 100 in Registax v6 at a 96% quality level.



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Looks great. I need to have another go as well, its just been hard with work and the bone chilling temps here this winter. Feels like I am forgetting a lot of the things I have learned in the past year. Once again great job, lots of detail there.

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nice one james, i really need to get on the stacking side of things with dslr work, but its not easy s my olly pen has no way to remote fire the shutter, so each shot has to be taken on self timer

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nice one james, i really need to get on the stacking side of things with dslr work, but its not easy s my olly pen has no way to remote fire the shutter, so each shot has to be taken on self timer

I've seen remote releases for compact cameras that have some sort of pneumatic or cable system that actually pushes down the shutter release button. Ok, you'd still have to sit there and push the button dozens of times, but might that work?


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Great shot James, very crisp.

I know what you mean . . I think that we all get out so rarely these days (nights) that it takes a few minutes to remember the best way that we had learned to do things!

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Well done james. I think there is a lot to gain from these stacked DSLR images over the "normal" webcam mosaics. I wonder if it is because DSLR's have progressed so much over the years that they now produce images of such good quality?

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I've seen remote releases for compact cameras that have some sort of pneumatic or cable system that actually pushes down the shutter release button. Ok, you'd still have to sit there and push the button dozens of times, but might that work?


If i can get a device to trigger the shutter, i can use it on "burst" setting

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Well done james. I think there is a lot to gain from these stacked DSLR images over the "normal" webcam mosaics. I wonder if it is because DSLR's have progressed so much over the years that they now produce images of such good quality?

I really don't know, to be honest. I'd very much like to have a go at doing a "small sensor" camera mosaic just to see how it works out. I have all the necessary kit, just not the opportunity to use it at the moment. My 450D is clearly noisier than my mono planetary camera, but on the other hand if I can get enough images in good seeing does it make a significant difference? And then there are the close up crater images that a few members have posted here. Some of those are really outstanding.


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I bet you have the EPL-1 don't you? The one that there's no remote for? :)


correct, there is no remote function on this camera, i have trolled the camera forums and nothing available, i have another option that is to use my lovely Pentax T30 A-focal set up, as i have a remote control for this camera, i guess i could stack A-focal jpegs

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correct, there is no remote function on this camera, i have trolled the camera forums and nothing available, i have another option that is to use my lovely Pentax T30 A-focal set up, as i have a remote control for this camera, i guess i could stack A-focal jpegs

These things get mixed reviews, but perhaps for the price they might be worth a go?




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Very nice crisp image James. It's interesting that you went for a lot of fast frames (1/1000th @ ISO800) rather than at say 1/250th @ ISO 200. Any particular reason for the high ISO & speed? Would atmospheric disturbance etc. show up even at 1/250th?


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Very nice crisp image James. It's interesting that you went for a lot of fast frames (1/1000th @ ISO800) rather than at say 1/250th @ ISO 200. Any particular reason for the high ISO & speed? Would atmospheric disturbance etc. show up even at 1/250th?

When I've tried slower exposures I've had an absolute pig of a job getting a good clean stack. I've always put it down to the focal length I'm imaging at (1500mm). Perhaps it's time to have another go.


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