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Final Observing Sessions


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Im proposing 2 more observing sessions before we have a short break for our so called summer months :smiley: .The first one will be this friday 19 th and then the next will be 4th May after which we wont really get astronomical darkness untill the autumn ( not at a civil time anyway ).Sadly i wont be organizing the observing sessions anymore after these Rachel will be returning to work so i wont be able to attend many sessions,i will pop up from time to time to see you all.

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ooooo a friday thas a different one. the lyrids are on this weekend one of the nicest meteor showers.. sadly i think theres a half moon :( hopefully i'll be there for it tho

and hopefully 4th may too just bring megrez n synscan :)

sad to hear you wont be able to organise many matt :( but i guess your kiddy watching for a bit! bet rachel is pleased with the "time off" lol

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50/50 again - entering the spring trips to the West now. Matt hope you can still get some time off for good behaviour next year.

I'm on the verge of packing away the astro gear for another year - last year was just very frustrating to be honest after April but have enjoyed it hugely this year again

cheers folks

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Family must come first mat, its been a disappointing start to the year but roll on October when the dark nights return. I, for one raise a glass to yourself and pat for the good work you put into the group so CHEERS to the both of you :icon_salut: :icon_salut:

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Unfortunately I won't be there, in fact I think thats probably it for this year - the odd binocular session and reading between now and the Autumn I think

Matt and Pat - thanks for organising everything for us this year which has been really succesful in my opinion. I remember the first group meet I went to last year when there was Matt, Pete and myself at base 2 in the wind up in Blaenavon - the numbers seemed to have grown substantially this year which just hightlights the enthusiasm for astronomy in these parts and in no small measure the friendly and helpful nature of the S Wales group.

Hope to catch up with everyone later in the year - Pete lets try and get a day out bird watching somewjhere over the spring / summer.

cheers all


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Goodness, are you serious about not observing over the summer, or is this just the organised observing sessions?!

I know the weather was abysmal last summer, and you don't end up starting until later, but I love the summer sky!

I admit we haven't had a balmy summer evening for a few years now, but there's always hope!

Sitting out in shorts and tee-shirt glass of beer or wine in one hand star map (or barbecued sausage) in the other! :grin:


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Well last year I think there were sessions through the summer when there was a lot on lunar work going on but it never gets astronomically dark enough for the next few months and as you say its stupid o'clock before you even get the chance - not sure whats happening with the group sessions over the spring / summer months this year- Matt won't be organising them after the beginning of May - perhaps Pat will call a few before we start again in earnest in the Autumn not really sure to be honest?

Personally just found it really frustrating so decided Astronomy for me is an Autum/Winter hobby which is fine - gives you a chance to recharge and get your enthusiasm back for the start of next year - having said that once you've been bitten by the bug you never really stop observing on a clear night - might just be a bit more casually - beer and sausage roll time as you say lol

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Its been a rough year for us all, but still, I'd like to think a good one. I'm glad I was able to make it to most of the observing sessions, and meet and share quality time with everyone. It seems observing here in the UK is going to be a seasonal hobby, however, theres other aspects to keep us interested, like SGL and the South Wales Group; and always the unexpected clear night sneaking up on us when we have other plans. :lol: It's all good.

Thanks Matt & Pat, for getting these observing meets up and running. This might be the last scheduled meet for awhile, but I'm sure there will be a few impromptu get togethers when better weather arrives. The radio tower site at Blaenavon is a good location, I hope everyone who's able to, can make it to Fridays meet, even if it's your first visit, just to see what its all about; look forward to seeing you there, I'll bring coffee & donuts. :smiley:

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