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Saturn 6th November


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Here's my first attempt at Saturn, and it was the first time I've seen it - so it was a bit of a beamer3.6m moment :D

Taken at 5am, after getting up at a ridiculous hour :D Focus could be better I think, but it was a lovely sight and I'll be getting up at stupid o'clock again when the forecast's looking good.


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Thanks for the kind comments everyone :D

Hi Tom, It was quite a shock to the system, I guess it's going to get worse now winter's arrived.

Cheers bro, As you know I'm working to solve my focus woes, hopefully the next one will be a bit better.

Cheers Kevin, Ant, Geoff and Karlo, It was lovely, it's a shame I used most of the time imaging it (trying to focus really) - I should have spent a bit more of the time observing it. I could see a lot more definition in the rings when I was observing it, I imagine they are very very impressive when tilted a bit more.

That's a damn fine first attempt Ian. Knocks spots off my first dozen or so. :D Did you go straight to the x4 or did you work your way up?

Cripes, the rings have closed up at bit since I last saw it! :shock:

Hi Tony,

If you mean that session, no I just stuck the 4x in and centred with a 17mm EP. It was only very slightly off the centre of the chip, I was lucky with my alignment - I was getting a good couple of minutes before I had to tweak to re-centre it.

I find focus really difficult and I've been meaning to knock up a Hartman mask for a while - any links around for a decent Blue Peteresque mask? I've had the focuser apart this weekend, cleaned and re-greased it and it's much better now. I'm also making something that should help, but it's top secret at the moment - as they say, I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you :D If it works out I'll post something in DIY.

Thanks again,


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Good Image through your Skywatcher 130p. (I once owned such a scope for 4 years - and had a lot of fun with it).

Now, if you are looking for a "Hartmann Mask" - I have one that I made, for my 130P. When I sold it, I forgot the give the mask with the scope. When I telephoned the person to ask him if he wanted me to send it on, he didn't, so there you are! If you want to have it, send me your address and i'll post it to you for free. (It's only lying about unused).

I also have a "home made, push on dew shield" but this is fixed in a circular shape, so if you (or anyone else wanted it - you would have to collect.

Send a "PM" with your address if you want it - if not I'll post it on the for sale section as "free" to anyone.



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