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Hi from Glasgow


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HI my name is Chris from Leeds. Looking to get my first telescope, seem to be drawn towards the Sky watcher Maksutov cassegrain  127mm goto.

any advice on were to buy and if the telescope is any good would be appreciated.

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Hi Bryan

Welcome to the Lounge! I see you are also a Glaswegian :) (I'm English really but have lived here since 2009). Probably not the best place for astro stuff what with the weather and lp (light pollution).... I'm a newbie, only been into it for a few months. Still, there's plenty of really useful info here with friendly support and advice.



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Hi Chris, hello and welcome, this post is over 6 years old, I would suggest you start a new thread. I am new to all this as well and have found everyone in the forum to be friendly and very helpful. As regards to the scope you mention I would try here http://www.firstlightoptics.com/az-goto/skywatcher-skymax-127-synscan-az-goto.html have never used one so can't comment on it but I am sure you will get all the help you need on here.


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