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PLEASE HELP question about something I saw in sky..


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Hello I am brand new here and have a question about something I saw in the night sky about 10 years ago. I lived on a farm in ky and had a wonderfull veiw of the night sky everynight. I used to always be lookin up when outside. One night a friend and i were watching and counting shooting stars and all of a suuden we both picked up on a particular star that kina flashed a little which drew our eye to it as soon as we noticed it it went from being a completely average star to quickly swelling up about 50 times its origanal size. It stayed that way for approx 3-4 seconds before quickly shrinkin into nothing, so the whole event probibly only lasted about 4 seconds or so and was like nothing i had ever seen before or after. we both agreed on what we saw and also that it was not a satalite or anything other then some sort of star. Ever since that night i have been very interested in finding out what i probibly saw. Was it an exploding dying star or something of that nature? If anyone has ANY opinions or suggestions please please reply thankyou

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To see any star expand like that in such a small amount of time would mean it would have to have done so at many times the speed of light (the expansion speed speed), because it's expanded diameter would have had to be light years across.

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Hi Williebeamer and welcome to SGL, I think the likes of a Super Nova could be ruled out as there would have been many instruments tracking the night sky which would have recorded such a momentous event and it would have remained bright for quite some considerable length of time, more likely to be the Sun reflecting off a piece of space hardware if you are sure it was not moving. but as you only observed it for just 3-4 seconds, it is more likely to have been an Iridium Flare, which are quite spectacular :)


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Hi and welcome. This is interesting as I saw something similar just before Christmas. It caught my eye as I was rolling the obsy roof back & at first I thought Jupiter but realised it was in the wrong place and I could see Jupiter when I checked for it anyway. I watched it expand and then contract to nothing.. stayed the same colour throughout. I put it down to a head on view of either space debris or a meteor.

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Hi Williebeamer,

welcome to SGL.

Id say what you saw could have been either an iridium flare (as previously mentioned) or a head-on meteor which can be seen every now and then (remember hat apart from atmosphere skimmers all meteorites would land somewhere on the ground if they didnt get burned up !)


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Hello I am brand new here and have a question about something I saw in the night sky about 10 years ago. I lived on a farm in ky and had a wonderfull veiw of the night sky everynight. I used to always be lookin up when outside. One night a friend and i were watching and counting shooting stars and all of a suuden we both picked up on a particular star that kina flashed a little which drew our eye to it as soon as we noticed it it went from being a completely average star to quickly swelling up about 50 times its origanal size. It stayed that way for approx 3-4 seconds before quickly shrinkin into nothing, so the whole event probibly only lasted about 4 seconds or so and was like nothing i had ever seen before or after. we both agreed on what we saw and also that it was not a satalite or anything other then some sort of star. Ever since that night i have been very interested in finding out what i probibly saw. Was it an exploding dying star or something of that nature? If anyone has ANY opinions or suggestions please please reply thankyou

I aiso thik it's a Iridium flare ( satellites name that way be cause they were the same amount of the iridium electron turning around the core wich is 77 )

If you want to see it again it's very simple...Go to Heavens-above.com , register ( it's free) enter your coordonance and look at all the iridium flare predictions for the next 10 days.

You can also know in advance the passing of the ISS....or many other satellites...It's very cool I use it all the time to show ISS or Iridium flares to my friends.

See ya !


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<p>WOWZA.....lol I never dreamed i would recieve that many replys ....What "sp@ce" described sounded exactly the same but not the same event obviously since my sighting was 10 years prior, from the description we saw the same thing so thats very exciting and gives my statement a lil more credibility . A head on meteor IS a great opinion. Also sunlight reflecting off of something metallic (although it was not moving ,in a frame of 3-4 seconds i might not have picked up on the movement) .And also someone suggested a website that predicts irridium flares which is iresestible and something i am going to visit as soon as i get done typing lol. What intrests me the most is that i assumed when i described this everyone would say "oh thats just a blah blah...super common, boring%

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