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Any decent Astronomy Apps

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Is there any must have android apps a newbie astronomer should have? "Galilean for phones" looks pretty good for Jupiters moons but I have not purchased it yet plus Scope Nights for the iphone... I would really like to find a good clear sky android app? The only one I have so far is Google sky map which works pretty well

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I use Googlesky with my Galaxy Ace. Very good app. With the phones built in gps and gyroscope I find it pretty accurate. There is another called SkEye. Good for when you are outdoors with your scope as it is red light friendly so you don't lose your dark adaptation.

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Star walk is one i use the most

Sky safari pro I use as a backup as its got far bigger catalogue.

Sky an telescopes. Sky week as it helps planning

Sputnik. It's good for satilights.

Sun viewer (made by NASA shows live images of the sun from the satilights in orbit at different wavelengths

And NASA. As its everythin NASA. Including NASA TV for launches.

Edit: sorry just released u wanted Android:( these are all iOS but I'd imagine most would have a counterpart.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk please ignore any spelling typo thingys

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