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the rosette nebula


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evening all. while observing a few clusters tonight i come across ngc 2244 ,the o/c in monoceros. i used a refernce book to confirm the star pattern .so then i realised im sat smack in the middle of ngc2237,the rosette nebula,so i sat and observed for ten to fifteen minutes to see what i could temp out.

NOTHING is the answer .

i was abit gutted at first,but after researching a little on the forums i realised its a tough one to observe. and theres me with my orange sky glow unfiltered roof top infested sky ! what was i thinking.

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It's a dark site object. In 8x42 bins it shows as a slight milkiness around the cluster. A short focal length scope capable of framing all of it (say a max focal length around 600mm) with a widefield EP and O111 or UHC filter brings it out. It's always subtle. You probably need a sky around Mag 6 or better.


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I spotted the Rosette with my 15x70 bins in a fortuitous clear patch between hazy cloud. Very difficult. With my C8 from a seriously dark site I have spotted the dust lanes before. Colour never appears. I have yet to try my 80mm APM with 31T5 Nagler on it (should be better, given its size). I have not tried my O-III filter either. May give it a shot this evening.

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I was looking at this last night and it was barely detectable from my garden (typical edge of town estate), the star cluster in the centre is pretty though :laugh:

I find taking a little time look around the FOV starts to tease the detail out, never seen dust lanes from home though, only at a dark site.

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I also viewed this last night with my 10 x 50 bins between gaps in the cloud. I could only make out the star cluster in the centre but I'll have another look as I probably didn't spend enough time on it to let the view soak in. When we get a decent clear sky I'll try viewing with the telescope with my OIII filter - it works like magic on the Veil nebula.

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I went heading to it fairly soon after I got my scope, and saw nothing. But I was too distracted by the "dragonfly cluster" and forgot to be upset (my partner's naming skills there, but as soon as she said that I saw it the same and now the name has stuck!).

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