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Any suggestions on a small telescope?


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I have booked a week away at Kelling Heath in the summer and want to take a

telescope as it will be the first time I will of experienced dark sky.

As my two sons are over 6 feet tall the space is limited in the car and I don't

think I will be able to fit my Skywatcher 200P in.

I have two options. I could leave the boys at home but I really need to take them

with me to ensure I have a home to go back to or I could buy a smaller travelling


I have got a budget of about £400 and would welcome any suggestions.

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there is quite a few options for that sort of money the heritage as has been suggested, A good pair of binoculars



a fair bit of false colour on bright objects but easy to set up und use and quite portable

or this one on a good photo tripod


very little false colour and very compact and probably a dozen more i haven't thought of

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I'd go for something you don't have already and that will do things the 200P can't do. The Heritage is really only the 200P but less. So that would be a small widefield refractor on a camera tripod or used alt az of some kind. I bought an old but lovely TeleVue Pronto and later a Telepod mount on here within your budget. The widefield views are astounding. The entire Veil. The Rosette in direct vision... And this is TeleVue quality, not Skywatcher. There is quite a difference. The Pronto is unfashionable and commands bafflingly low used prices. It cost nearly a grand twenty years ago and twenty years to TV engineering is nothing.


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i like the suggestion of having something completely different from your current setup - say a small 70 or 80mm refractor easy to mount on practically anything and great to use as a grab and go telescope for when you return. With our current weather patterns, you could end up getting more use out of it than the 200P!


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