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My best moon yet!! (2nd lunar mosaic)


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This is my lunar mosaic from last night.

Taken with 200p f/5 and webcam at prime focus.

I've attached the most contrasty version although I am unsure which I prefer (before or after contrast adjustment).

I'm pretty happy with this!

All feedback / criticism / suggestions for improvement greatly appreciated!



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Thanks all!

It was taken with a Point Grey Firefly mono.

It was very cloudy, I was pressing record as soon as the moon emerged from clouds so I had to bin a lot of captures. I think in the end this is only about 24 panes! One day I will do one with a barlow and lots more panes and see what I can get :)


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Hi there looking great a bit bright with my moon and planet rig I shoot video of the moon I mix a red filter in there .when I shoot panes for mosaics I use a filter wheel shoot one vid. Clear no filter then one in red. Exactly the same and combine the two before putting in the mosaic ,it's not over bright but I usually like to go a bit dark , as I find it easier to brighten a image it's harder to get a bright image to go dark with out loss of detail keep it up ,have you tried a ir pass filter ?makes a big difference, what fps were the bids. Shot

great work 5*


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Dan,

I hadn't seen this post back in December, but think this is a great image and really does bring out the brightness of the ejecta. I shall try again when we get a nice full moon!

What was the overlap on your panels like - you said you had 24 and I got mine on 9 using the same gear. I have a MA SPC900 nosepiece screwed directly in to the lens holder, so perhaps more to do with the extension at the focuser?

I've just got a s/h coma corrector to play with so perhaps the next run will be 20+ panels with 2.25 barlow and the CC/focal reducer to see if I can capture the whole disk and bring out any more detail. Might try and find or knock up an IR PASS filter for the longer wavelengths.

I'm most impressed with this camera bang 4 bucks!


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