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NEQ6 which one?


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Hi all, just a quick question about the different controller methods available for the NEQ6.

I am looking to buy a new mount to get into AP and reading the forums had decided that the best mount for my budget would be a NEQ6 Pro Synscan however, there seems to be a school of thought that says purchase a EQ6 Syntrek and use EQMOD to control it. This all sounds like a good tip and the money saved leaves more budget for scope/camera. I have 2 questions with regard to this option:

1. I am assuming the mounts are identical except one has the GOTO handset and the other has the simple hand controller, am I correct in that assumption?

2. I already have a Synscan handset attached to a Skywatcher AZ GOTO mount and it is flashed to the latest firmware version. Would this handset simply connect to and control an EQ6?

My next dilemma is which scope and camera. I have a Skywatcher 130P newt and a Celestron 102mm frac but am looking to upgrade for AP, I also have an unmodded Canon 550d and am deciding whether to buy a modded Canon or a CCD. I want to deep space image and am allowing for a £2k budget. off topic I know but thought I would add the detail.

Thanks in advance.

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Went through this dilemma at the start of November. In the end I went for the NEQ6. Think of it this way. The puck with the NEQ6 has a dual Losmandy and Vixen type attachment. Also, it has the extension bar. That's two useful capabilities for a scope bigger than a refractor. Also you are getting the handset. It may be that sometimes you might not want to go through the faff of EQmod etc when you want a quick look at the moon or Jupiter or a quick sky tour.

At the end of the day if you can put your hand on your heart and definitively say you do not and will never need the Losmandy capability or extension bar and will always use EQmod then get the EQ6 syntrek. But can you really say that? One thing i have learnt is that this is an evolving hobby and your interests change and you need gear that can adapt. On that basis I paid the extra £120 for the NEQ6.

HTH, Steve

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Went through this dilemma at the start of November. In the end I went for the NEQ6. Think of it this way. The puck with the NEQ6 has a dual Losmandy and Vixen type attachment. Also, it has the extension bar. That's two useful capabilities for a scope bigger than a refractor. Also you are getting the handset. It may be that sometimes you might not want to go through the faff of EQmod etc when you want a quick look at the moon or Jupiter or a quick sky tour.

At the end of the day if you can put your hand on your heart and definitively say you do not and will never need the Losmandy capability or extension bar and will always use EQmod then get the EQ6 syntrek. But can you really say that? One thing i have learnt is that this is an evolving hobby and your interests change and you need gear that can adapt. On that basis I paid the extra £120 for the NEQ6.

HTH, Steve

Some sound logic there Steve, and you are right, for an additional £120 I get a better mount more accomplished and flexible.

Now to decide what scope to put onto it :cool:

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I'm also at a similar stage and first thing i'll say ( as everyone on here does & its helped me no end!!) is buy Steve Richards making every photon count, it'll teach u all u need to know as a complete novice to AP, what I'm going for and is also highly recommended is the Skywatcher ED80 frac, Startravel 80 as a guidescope & qhy5 as a guide camera & a 450eos modded canon for the actual imaging. Apparently this hobby is hard enough to start with without complicating things with fine collimation of a fast newt, that can come later. :laugh: ( I was going to get the EQ6 Syntrek/EQMOD for the mount, but reading the above i may have to change my mind........Again. :confused: )

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Golden rule - never underestimate the importance of the mount. This fact is trotted out so much that it appears almost trite to say it here. But it is so true. You are much better off with a slightly lesser but well mounted scope than a great OTA that wobbles like a dice in a shaker on an inadequate or difficult to use mount - its enough to drive you nuts.

If you are having a visual session, getting the PC set up and powered is a right royal PITA - the handset is lovely for this purpose.

I am delighted with my NEQ6. I am glad I payed slightly more for it over and above the EQ6 Syntrek.

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The longer counter weight bar is a must if you ever get bigger than an 8" scope. Four 5Kg counter weights at full extension is just enough to balance a 12" Newtonian.

The dual type Lossmandy/Vixen puck is also a bonus as many higher end and heavy scopes come with Losmandy bars as standard these days.

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I had an HEQ5 Pro Synscan and only used the hand set half a dozen times, until I got into imaging and discovered EQMOD, after which it stayed in the case. When I upgraded a couple of years ago to the NEQ6, I went for the Syntrek. My logic went along the lines of - I'm buying a heavier mount to handle a heavier imaging rig, if I'm imaging I'll be using a laptop for camera control, guiding etc. anyway, so why spend a £100 or so for a handset which'll stay in the box all its life when CdC and EQMOD are free?...and EQMOD is just brilliant - once you get the hang of it - it's a synch to get running - and slewing the scope with a gamepad is much nicer than using the handset buttons.

The NEQ6 SynTrek still comes with a non-goto handset which works fine when I want to show my mates the sun, the moon or the planets - I don't find it easy or practical to find faint stuff with it though. I've never regretted buying the Syntrek (which incidentally is identical to the Synscan bar the handset - it comes with the extension counterweight bar and dual saddle.

So in summary, if you're imaging save your cash and get the Syntrek, but if you're mainly visual - consider the Synscan.

Hope this helps

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Throw this into the mix, I bought an EQ6 Syntrek about 18months ago and it came with everything the NEQ6 does (the bar extension and dual saddle) with the exception of the handset being different. It's even marked NEQ6. Could be anomalous and it was a while ago.

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....so the answer here is... there is no one answer. It depends on what *you* want to do. I got the NEQ6 since I believe it offers alternatives that I have made use off and I had the money available. If you won't then don't bother. Again, think carefully!

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Thanks all, I do have the excellent make every photon count book and this along with the comments above have helped drive my decisions to go for an (N)EQ 6 and judging from the later comments I could still save money and by the EQ6 using my exisitng handset to control when I want to and still get an outstanding mount.

Now for ther scope :)

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I got the EQ6 syntrek earlier this year. When I got it, I was bouncing e-mails with Bern at MA, who said it's anyone's guess exactly what Skywatcher bundle at any time. I can also report I got the extension bar and dual saddle with mine. I don't miss the Goto. The syntrek still allows you to track at sidereal/lunar/solar rates. And just use manual aiming to find stuff or go eqmod if you do want more control later on.

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As was pointed out in a previous post this is an evolving hobby. At some point you might want to upgrade your mount (new AZ-EQ6 and EQ8 are very interesting) so an EQ6 with Synscan might be easier to resell. These mounts hold their value very well. In seven years, inflation has taken care of depreciation and second hand EQ6 with Synscan controllers sell for a bit more than what mine cost new.

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I got mine from Bern as well and he said the same.

I think Modern Aastronomy are still the cheapest around for EQ6's as well. Top bloke is Bern.

+1 very helpful. He spent 15 minutes on the phone with me with no hard sell or pressure at all when i bought my QHY5 guide camera.

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+1 very helpful. He spent 15 minutes on the phone with me with no hard sell or pressure at all when i bought my QHY5 guide camera.

I spent ten on the phone and he talked me into the realisation that I didn't need the Synscan version but needed a mains plug.

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