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You know you're obsessed with astronomy when...


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And explaining to the estate agent why you only want to view the house after dark.

Dependently on the property they might be very forthcoming :)

I think the worst places I ever seen were shown to me late evening, in an pretty pitiful attempt to disguise abysmal surroundings, massive peak hours traffic jams just in front of the main door, back gardens seemingly fertilized with agent orange and similar perks :)

Central London though, so no many stars in sight either :(

Sent from my SK17i using Tapatalk 2

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You know you're obsessed with astronomy when you arrive at a star party and have to polar align your caravan as you reverse it onto your pitch. Cos there's a dome on the top with a telescope inside and a pier extending through the floor underneath.

(anyone who's been to Kelling wil have seen this) :)

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Here are some oldies from the Usenet/sci.astro.amateur days.

You pack Dry Ice around your head to reduce the "noise" from your retina and optic nerve.

You consider the H-II regions of distant galaxies as individual observing targets.

You wonder how your favorite objects missed getting included in the New General Catalog or the Index Catalog.

You could do a Messier Marathon from memory, if you still bothered with Messier objects.

You believe M13 ruined your dark adaptation.

Your ideal site would require oxygen.

You actually know where to get billberry jam, and make a point of consuming some prior to observing sessions

You pay $3500 for a pupil enlargement operation even though you own a 1 meter light bucket

You have seriously considered starting up your own anti-satellite lobby.

You wear sun screen during full moon periods.

You wear sun glasses during full moon periods.

You wear red sunglasses all day in preparation for viewing that night.

The dome light of your car is painted red.

You paint the LED's on your equipment with red fingernail polish so that they are dimmer.

You use an infrared flashlight.

You have elective surgery to replace your eye's natural lenses with f/0.8, oil-spaced, apochromatic triplet objectives designed by Roland Christen.

You're caught by the police climbing light poles at night trying to "unscrew" the bulbs.

You ask your neighbors over to star gaze, so they will know to turn out their porch lights.

You can talk with a red flashlight in your mouth.

You can understand somebody else talking with a red flashlight in THEIR mouth.

Your wife hires a skywriter to tell you to come home.

You have Kendrick dew heaters on your eyeglasses.

You insist that your optician put anti-reflection coatings on your contact lenses.

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Your the 1st man on mars

Your the 1st woman on mars or the moon

You plan on going to the sun, but in winter when it is cold

You have an automatic telescope

You wonder if you could blow up one of the gas planets with a lighter.

You dont play Call of duty (man) or text messages (woman)

You try to make up your own constellations

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When you just GOT TO get that post reply entered on SGL with intermittent IP service while you are experiencing cloudy, rainy days and nights - I'm spending some 20 minuets to access web sites lately - thanks so much IP :mad:

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