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Was hoping for a quick evenings stargazing tonight, well it was a disaster!

After a while checking collimation, finally getting it ok but not before making the secondary worse at one point, I set it all up only for my eyepieces to steam up within seconds of using them! Jupiter was looking fine then a few seconds later it just got a bit blurry all around til it was impossible to see anything clear. Changing the lens caused the same thing after just a few seconds use! I don't know if my eyes breathe, but it was pretty nippy out there and maybe my breathing in the cold air somehow ruined everything! [removed word]. Plus, the moon was far to bright and spoilt things, so in the end, with eyepieces all misted up, I gave up.

To add insult to injury, while putting everything away just outside the house, my dad must have ran a hot tap coz hot steamy air belted out of a nearby vent and clouded up all the scope mirrors instantly, so I couldn't even do a quick check on collimation at the end and I've probably made the mirror quality slightly worse off. :-(

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We've all had nights like those, the thing some of us still keep having them :grin: :grin: . Shame you had those problems given that at least it was a clear sky (...be it with the a near full moon). There will be plenty more clear nights soon for everything to come together and that's what keeps us going! :smiley:


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To keep the EPs from fogging up again, keep one in each shirt or pants (trousers :grin: ) while in its storage case to keep cloth lint from getting on the lens surfaces, so your body heat keeps them warm and that prolongs the fogging as they cool down in the focuser. As for the vent steam, a lesson well learned for observing that close to a habited building but in the U.K. I guess that's the norm with houses so close to each other.

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I have a big problem with the heating vent which is about four feet off the ground and sends out ridiculous amounts of steam when one of the three women in my house decide to have yet another hot bath :evil: . I have learned to observe well away from it but my best views are obtained with my scope near the house (my garden is only 30 feet long anyway) so as with most things it's about compromise. depending on what I am observing and the wind direction I can usually avoid 'Old Faithful'.

re the steamy eyepieces, sometimes the answer is counter-intuitive. if you observe with eyepieces that have quite short eye relief then the heat fro your eye can actually eventually clear the condensation believe it or not.

I tend to use a foam lined case and when one steams up I put it back and choose another which if the box is left closed will allow them to clear again while in the box.

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Actually my telescope was at the bottom of my dads garden on the patio it was only when I bought it back to put away it then got near the vent which suddenly came on!

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welcome to the asylum of astronomy. Just a normal night then LOL


so true...... last night I was as happy as a pig in *&^% until I brushed up against the power plug to the mount and it went off and so stopped tracking.

I've known for ages the D.C. plug was dodgy but have done nothing about it - until today at work where I'm making a second one.

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I tend to use a foam lined case and when one steams up I put it back and choose another which if the box is left closed will allow them to clear again while in the box.

Just a quick question, do you leave the end caps off or put them back on? I ask because intuition would suggest for them to clear leave the caps off but I always replace the caps when not in use.

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personally I always leave them off (unless I have not used them) when in the case (in an observing session) and leave the lid open and the caps off overnight before capping them in the morning when dried off.

Thanks Shane, good, clear advice as usual.

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There was a thread a little while ago about Eps dewing up.

I'm keeping mine in bubble wrap pouches in my pockets now. (My pockets are always seem to be full of brick dust :shocked: ). I'm looking out for some little drawstring bags to slip them in to keep them clean and warm. I also have a bulb blower handy.


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With EP's i find its not the outside dew level or temp that causes dew while they are in use,but rather the breath from my nose when i breath out that fogs them up.

Before you ask...................NO my nose ain't that big.

Store EP's in your pockets with the dust caps on until you want to use them and they will be fine.

Alternatively................buy a zoom EP and you only have to worry about a single EP.

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