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Quattro first light


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yesterday i recived my 8 inch steel quattro and im very happy with it, last night it was clear but the moon completely made imaging utter useless but i wanted to test out the new scope and CCD. for the time being im going to be using the mammut brightstar CCD the chip is only small but for i want it for is to learn CCD imaging before getting a more expensive one. so heres 10 min in 2 min subs unguided on the bubble captures in NEB3 and stretched in CS6. i dont know weather thats comer in the image or just a tad out of focus? but the moon washed out half on side of the picture. any tips and advice would be great :)


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well done. you will need a coma corrector for this scope. i don't know how well the sw and baader coma correctors work with this scope opinions seem to vary, there will be a dedicated corrector coming out for it soon but its going to more expensive than the sw and baader versions

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yep thats pretty special for 5x2min subs! I think it would take me an hour to equal that signal!:)

I've picked up a second hand Baader MPCC in preperation for my Quattro, I've heard that it came out on top in lab tests. I know that the SW one also acts like a 0.9 reducer so it would take it down to f/3.6! I should imagine it would only improve the coma at that price though, its very cheap for a newt reducer/flattener.

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You need an LP filter to help increase the exposures and reduce the glare. I have used my Mammut as a guider only

and yes it IS sensitive. I have seen your ads for a QHY8 and I hope you get one soon.

Would I buy one again? You bet I would. If you have a chance at a QHY8 or the Pro check wheter it has the 3mm thick glass covering the CCD chip.

When I purchased mine it had the thinner glass & I had horrendous problems with dew forming on the outside of the glass.

I tried the dedicated heated ring, dewstrap over the T extension between the camera & scope & finally both the dew strip & heated ring. No joy. Even setting the

camera at -10 C caused dew. I finally purchased a new end piece containing the thicker glass and the desiccant tube from Bern at Modern Astronomy.

No probs now, even at -30 C.

Sorry for going off topic, but I thought you'd want to know....



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You'll enjoy your Quattro :)

Take some time to learn its foibles as regards collimation, your image while a tad out of focus displays some coma and also the effects of misalignment of the mirrors.



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