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Various people have been in on this one; Jordan (JCJC) did a lot of capture and processing on an earlier TEC image, Yves, as always with the 14 inch was involved, and this morning Martin B kindly Dropboxed an excellent set of 30 minute O111 subs to add to Jordan's from our TEC. Even 7.5 hours is not enough for the O111 if you really want to do a clean, bodge-free job of the assembly but it does allow the outer O111 shell to be revealed and that was the point of the excecise.

My O111 data was plagued by Astronomik haloes but I could erase them thanks to Martin's data. I need a new O111 filter.

Thanks gents!



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Interesting what you say about the OIII haloes- I think my Baader filter suffers from these to some degree (others in the set are fine).

Looking better now with the extra data. It seems to be as much an OIII object as Ha now- in fact I'd say it would be easy swamp the image with too much Ha?

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Wonderful - that OIII is really coming on :)

I'll be getting an Atik 314L+ and Astrodon NB filters including a 3nm OIII in the next couple of months all being well :) But it may be too late by then to contribute and anyway I'm so very dependent on the weather, which has been dire lately. I'm banking on this dreadful weaather not going on forever as I invest another thousand or two in this hobby. Live in hope - that's me :D Can't take it with me, anyway!

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Yes, that's brought the OIII out to play! Good collaboration Olly.

My OIII was using a Baader 7nm, never had problems with halos. Mind you I have a 1.25 13nm Astronomic Ha which doesn't produce halos and a 2" one that does. I think Astronomic have now sorted these halos.

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whats the black dot next to the star in the center of the crescent? i thought it was on my screen and tried to wipe it lol

I don't know but it's there in all the data and there are three telescopes and three cameras contributing to this so it isn't an artefact, though my sharpening and local contrast boosting has exaggerated it. It looks like a hole in the nebulosity but I suspect it's more likely to be a patch of obscuring dust.

Tom, you're right and teal was what I was aiming for but it wouldn't take any more saturation. You'd need maybe 15 hours of O111 to get this right, but we'll be back...


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Oh Yes, yes, thats super. It complements the Ha much better I think,and feels more balanced. It looked a little washed out in the other version. What did you do differently?


It was your good call. Thanks for the push. I used the colour select tool to identify the outer shell components. It took a while to get the right selection, then I worked on the green and blue channels individually within the selection, using Curves and Saturation.


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