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M31 reprocessed


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I've had another go a reprocessing my M31 data from the Exmoor star party back in October.

I've tried to reduce the star size and improve detail in the dust lanes.

Taken with a Canon 1100D (unmodded) and a Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS L lens, guided.

Total data time was approx 2 hours, including darks.


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Another picture of my favourite galaxy of the quality to which I aspire. Un-modded camera too... As a matter of interest I would very much like to know what was each exposure length, and how did you focus? I presume that you were using the lens fully open, i.e. at f2.8? You have made an excellent image!


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Another picture of my favourite galaxy of the quality to which I aspire. Un-modded camera too... As a matter of interest I would very much like to know what was each exposure length, and how did you focus? I presume that you were using the lens fully open, i.e. at f2.8? You have made an excellent image!


Thanks guys.

Hi Chris,

I did a combination of 180 second subs for the outer dust lanes, then shorter 60 second subs for the core.

For focusing I use Backyard EOS. It has a built in "FWHM" focus method, which works quite well. You select a bright star and simply focus the lens (via Backyard) for the lowest number.



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