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M42 with a Nextstar 8SE


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I know it's nothing compared to you ED APO refractor types, but I'm pretty chuffed with my second hand Nexstar 8se, cobbled together with a Nikon D7000. Unguided, on its original alt-az mount, with enough slop to feed a pig farm. So I take 10 second lights (100) then sort through them to pick the stable ones by eye (pretty obvious as the rest are reminiscent of the warp effect in Star Wars). Then 20 flats and darks to match. I used fitswork to stack them.

OK, thanks for looking, now you can go back to see how it should look (StarRaver): http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/167618-the-great-orion-nebula-my-first-attempt/




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I have a 6SE (same mount as the 8SE) and yes their mounts are ABSOLUTELY terrible, even for visual viewing they can drift (due to slop not tracking) so much you loose your targets. I would never recommend the mount to anyone, although the tubes seem quite nice.

So yes, well done Rupert!

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practice makes perfect, i have only had my scope and mount 2 weeks and still very much learning, if you want to get into ap properly then i would recomend an EQ mount.

My shot is without flats as I can never manage to keep focus and holding a laptop screen with notepad open in front of the scope is a pain at 3am in the freezing cold lol,

once you have a good collection of darks, bias and flats things will be alot quicker, just make sure you lable the iso, lenght and temp for future use

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My first astro image was M42 with mi Nexstar 6SE at f10 on the alt-azimuth mount. Regardless of the outcome I felt very satisfied. Yours is much better.

Today I use the same telescope at f6.3, but I changed the mount for an iOptron iEQ45. It has been worth.

Best regards


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My first astro image was M42 with mi Nexstar 6SE at f10 on the alt-azimuth mount. Regardless of the outcome I felt very satisfied. Yours is much better.

Today I use the same telescope at f6.3, but I changed the mount for an iOptron iEQ45. It has been worth.

Best regards


Yes, I'd love to upgrade the mount, but I think my financial manager/wife would have kittens. I contemplated trying for "Christmas present?" but it's hard to keep a straight face. Googling ieq45 now.

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