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Planetary plea


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I decided to get up early again this morning (my fav time of the day) as the forecast looked good. So glad i did because I was rewarded with one of the best skies i've ever seen. Not from a dark sky point of view but instead because of what was on show. Simply stunning :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

A simply gorgeous moon flanked by a host of planets. To it's lower left was a dazzling and jaw dropping Venus. And then lower again was a beautiful coloured star that wasn't twinkling and could only be Saturn. Then moving west of the Moon was Mars. WOW what a colour that planet is! And all this with a backdrop of Orion, Taurus, Perseus and Auriga.

That doesn't come close to describing just how good it looked. Oh it was great to see Saturn again in the scope. Mars is still tiny, just not so quite tiny as it was 2 weeks ago. Venus has a beautiful crescent phase at the moment.

M42 in both the 15x70 binos and the scope was breathtaking. Although for me Auriga was better still with the 15x70's. So many clusters! M1 was no probs in the scope even with the moon.

So my plea is.......GET UP AND SEE THE MORNING SKY TOMORROW! I know there will be a chorus of groans but we're not exactly talking early early. Just 6am, which is my normal time anyway. I think most of the UK will be getting a clear sky tonight, so you owe it to yourself to see this.


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I agree 100% Russ, I went to bed last night at just gone three.

Before I hit the sack, I took a look out the bathroom window - my east aspect is superb. I could see Orion on it's side (too low for M42), M45 and the Hyades looked amazing and the moon, well passed, last qtr now looks stunning.

I just wish I'd been in more of a position to be out observing, well imaging really.

My best ever Jupiter was taken at 4am in the morning. It is well worth getting up for... but I find it very difficult!

Sounds like you had a blast.


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You have my pledge sir ! angel

Ace! let me know what you think tomorrow :lol:

btw Saturn's rings are really closing up now. Great to see it again. Could see some dark markings and polar cap on Mars but really had to push the mags. Venus was stunning even at low mags. And the Moon was :shock:

Hope that sets the scene :D

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I went to bed last night at just gone three

blimey that was a late one :shock:

Jane didn't get home from work untill midnight! Then we sat chatting had a few beers... you know how it is. Then it's suddenly - Rubbish I've got to be up in less than 4 hours. :lol:

I did watch the sun rise while standing in the shower though, that was nice.



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Amazing how the time flies when having a chat. I planned on having an early night but it was the usual 12.30am by the time we had finished chatting. Then Sam woke at 4am and then i got up at 5.40. So not too much sleep either. At least it's Friday :lol:

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Great views Russ [scope out :Envy:]

My 8 week old daughter woke for a change of nappy & a bottle around 4:30am, I decided to get the bottle :lol:. As then I had the chance to look out into the morning dark sky from our kitchen window, to see Andromeda, a rising Crescent Moon and then later on Venus. Defo makes being woken up by her more of a pleasure :D

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The Moon was just rising when I went to bed half an hour after midnight. I had a nice long session, marred only by dewing up of the finder, eyepieces and secondary. My main targets were Uranus and Neptune. I am quite confident I found Uranus but I am not sure about Neptune. My planetarium is putting Neptune (which should be about mag 8) about 14 arc-minutes away from a mag 8 star and I certainly did see two spots of light that could have been them. I need to revisit that today. Also did some star hopping around Delphinus, Equuleus, Aquarius and Capricorn. I finished off with the Double Cluster @ Perseus. A glorious sight in the Nagler!

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Reconnaissance Report. 06:00 hrs

Up before Reveille,as ordered by Capt.rus. Thorough search undertaken...nothing see. About turned and made a strategic withdrawal towards Bedland where I took cover.

Report ends. 06:03 hrs

Private (3rd class)


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Reconnaissance Report. 06:00 hrs

Up before Reveille,as ordered by Capt.rus. Thorough search undertaken...nothing see. About turned and made a strategic withdrawal towards Bedland where I took cover.

Report ends. 06:03 hrs

Private (3rd class)


How many times have I done that?

It seems to me that every night I do make the effort and get up and some godly hour of the morning... it's cloudy. When I don't I get a call from my brother telling me how great it was it 5am when he gets up... Grrrr

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I managed 10 mins with 16x70 binos on Friday and Saturday about 05:30, it was really stunning view to the East, even the guys in work who try to take the mickey out of my 'astrology' hobby remarked on the view!! Unfortuneatly working 12 hour shifts makes getting up any earlier a recipe for making mistakes in work...

Its been clear all day and I was planning a late night/ early morning as I have no work tomorrow but the the clouds have put a stop to those plans.

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Im up now (5am) and the view of the Moon and Venus is very nice.After i have finished some imaging im going to break out the sct and up the mag :lol:

Yesterday i tracked Venus until 13.30 , its cool to see during the day against a blue sky 8)

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Well the last two mornings have been a complete diseaster :D Flippin weathermen need hanging! :x 0% cloud Metcheck say, a clear sky say Metoffice? They wouldn't know a cloud if it fell on em :lol:

But nevermind it's not in vain, Grand Prix starts in a mo :D

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Okay.. tomorrow then is the India V Australia One day international at Mohali. I will wake up at 4 for that. Perhaps, I could take a look at Saturn/Venus then.

Now, how do I identify Saturn? Which part of the sky do I look at? Are there any marker stars that will be available- Any pointers will be received with thanks.



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I got back at 3am froma frinds party last night.

Taurus & Orion were very apparent :D

I did think about staying up but I was not completely sober so thought it wouldn't be wise to get the scopes out... :lol:



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Well, got up at 4:40am (Mike thought he heard an alarm going off.... :lol:) but :D :D


PS usually the only chance I have of being awake at that sort of time is if I haven't gone to bed... I'm NOT a morning person :D

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I went to be early on Friday night, even though it was clear, with the expectation of getting up at 5am to shoot the Moon and have a general look around. Alarm didn't work but dearest woke me up anyway. Completely clouded over. Next time ...

Perhaps there's a market for a "stargazer's alarm clock": it only wakes you up if it's really nice and clear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay a bit late I know but just to say I found myself unable to sleep this morning so decided to get up and have a gander. SUPERB !! Thankfully the skies were pretty clear, seeing was XLNT, still , and crisp. Mars was high and v. bright with a distinct tincture . Even from my site, 3-4 miles from Leeds city centre Orion and its nebula was shouting out at me, Pleiades was just beautiful. Crisp, clear night is forecast for tonight so with little planned for t'row I'll be setting up in readiness.

Report over Capt. :salute:


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