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Houston, I Have A Problem

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I'm having a little trouble with my scope and I was hoping someone here could offer some advice as it's starting to really get on my nerves. I keep looking up in the sky and I can't see anything. It's been like this for about two weeks now! The first day I got my scope it was a lovely clear night and I had lots of fun learning how to use all my gear and a few days later I did the same again. Ever since then there have been clouds in the way. Is this equipment failure or am I doing something wrong?

This scope wasn't cheap and while it didn't say anywhere on the website I bought it from that they would guarantee perfect cloudless nights, I just assumed it was a given. Has someone not invented a ruddy great big fan with which to blow these pesky clouds away yet? X-ray scopes? AARRGGHH!!

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This is quite a commmon newbie question - in fact it's asked all the time - you learn with experience how to combat this - in fact I remember NASA asking the exact same question many years ago, their solution, which should be a lesson to us all, was to improve their scope - like all of us they suffered from apperture fever, it affects us all - I think they got one of those new Hubble scopes, though sadly when I rang FLO earlier today they said that they were out of stock,but I've put one on back order, with me shortly so I've been promised.

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I can see you didn't look through the catalogue sufficiency closely. A common newcomer error.

When specifying the scope accessories you need, one of the first should be the 3 mile long dew shield, to poke through the clouds.

Once you have enough posts, you will have access to the classifieds section and there are a number for sale on their right now as people are upgrading to the new fully flocked models.

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This is quite a commmon newbie question - in fact it's asked all the time - you learn with experience how to combat this - in fact I remember NASA asking the exact same question many years ago, their solution, which should be a lesson to us all, was to improve their scope - like all of us they suffered from apperture fever, it affects us all - I think they got one of those new Hubble scopes, though sadly when I rang FLO earlier today they said that they were out of stock,but I've put one on back order, with me shortly so I've been promised.

Gave me a giggle this one!! :grin:
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Retail therapy certain helps us all distract ourselves away from those suffocating clouds!!! If anything, it does remind us to take as much advantage of clear sky conditions when they do in fact occur so that at least we have some memories to take us through the drought periods. I find reading astronomy books another good way of mitigating the cloud situation and helps you remain focused on the subject by anticipating areas worth investigating.

You have my sympathies as a fellow sufferer and this forum can help a little with the symptoms.

Clear skies soon!


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I did have a look into one of those Hubble thingy-ma-jigs but it seems that they tend to sell for around $2.5 billion which is a bit outside of my budget range. The three mile dew shield was also quite attractive but storing one is the issue. My current rig takes up more room that my wife would like and I don't like the idea of what may happen to my goolies if I were to suggest to her that she loved into the tool shed so I could store more kit.

Instead I'm going to try to convince some Australians to set up a butterfly farm and hopefully the effect of their wings will clear the clouds away. I'll let you know how I get on...

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