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Eyepiece cases

Matt Scunthorpe

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After seeing alot of the cases on here, alot of people seem to have steel cases, are these Astro brand cases or just regular metal cases. I am intending on getting one of these:


I Assume you can just cut the foam to accomandate what you want to hold, does anyone have any reasons that this one wouldnt work very well, or better cases taht can be used.


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Another vote here for the Maplin cases.

I bought two when they were on special offer and came next day,even though one was badly damaged they replaced it next day no problem and i managed to repair the damaged one.

Great service from them.

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I mark round what i want fitted with a marker pen and just use a sharp craft knife to cut the amount out i want to fit the item.

I also fitted my EPs standing upon end to save space,and have also managed to alter my fittings a few times as some of the bits i had fitted i no longer have but still managed to fit the new items.

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Yes i have my two bigger EPs lying flat as they are taking up the space my Telrad was in.

But the three BSTs i have are standing up and i have left space for the rest of the collection :grin:

Hera is a quick piccy of my case.

Click on piccy to enlarge.


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Well below is my case now. Still waiting on 1 EP to be delivered, hopefully tomorrow, and im hoping the Telrad when it also gets delivered, will slip into the slot below the collimator. Going by the dimensions i got off a website, it should fit comfortably. As long as they were right.. Otherwise i'll be pretty (i removed my own word :D ) off lol.


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Well below is my case now. Still waiting on 1 EP to be delivered, hopefully tomorrow, and im hoping the Telrad when it also gets delivered, will slip into the slot below the collimator. Going by the dimensions i got off a website, it should fit comfortably. As long as they were right.. Otherwise i'll be pretty (i removed my own word :D ) off lol.


Should have plenty of room for your Telrad.

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