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early morning sessions


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Staying up, earlier the forecast was very good (clear from 9pm), now, not so good. Clear from 1am. With F1 qualifying on at 6am, no point going to bed. After F1 is done got some fencing to paint. Zombie time.

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I do this occasionally - it's often the best part of the night as long as the early morning mist stays away. Mrs is particularly understanding, perhaps becuase I warm the bed up and then she gets it all to herself :smiley:

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I've taken to doing it recently, got up at 4am on Sunday this week - observing til 6.30, then parked in front of the TV for the F1 race. I take a bit of a gmble setting up before I go to bed and covering the scope with a sheet. So I have to be pretty sure it's going to stay clear.

Unfortunately I find I don't think quite straight - I really should start with a coffee. It took me the best part of an hour to work out that it was dew stopping the image of Jupiter appearing on the laptop and not the new laptop and software I had installed the day before! Doh!! Completely wasted the time before I realised and went off in search of a hair dryer. It was seriously dewy round my way too.

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I am going to start doing this too, when I am not working away. Thus far i have been a bit of a evening only astronomer - packed away by midnight at the very latest.

Number of times I wake up then anyway and look out the window its perfectly clear. Just can never bring myself to get out there...! That's gonna change......

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