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Jup 12th Sept


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Very nice Freddie, i would like to say 'stop copying / pasting my images' lol but it knocks spots off mine :laugh: , i was going to do this morning but decided to turn my alarm off as im building all day & done a lot of late imaging sessions latley im no spring chicken now.

PS. getting up early tomorrow though if forecast is good for the south :grin:

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Thanks guys. Yes, seeing was better than I expected and improved slightly as it got towards day break. Good luck with the weather Ewan, though not looking too good at the moment.

Stuart, I agree. I've just started to use AS!2 and drizzle and am having to change my processing. Are there any good PS noise reduction techniques you use or other software?

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Freddie I use the free program "Image Analyser". Neil told me about this software a while ago and its great to use especially the noise reduction facility. I find colour noise reduction especially useful.

Hope you don't mind I've just run your 1st image through analyser also raising black and lowering white to improve contrast. Colour vibrance was increased too :


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I have to say i have also started using AS!2 as well then doing wavelets in Regi6 (instead of the stacking) then CS6, i have had sporadic errors in Regi6 so i was dropping back to 5, the saddest thing is my best pic to date is this one & i cannot remember if i used AS!2 or just Regi 6 :-( I think i over do the wavelets tbh but i am learning to process a bit then come back to it & keep notes on how i get to my finished picture.

I hope you don't mind me posting it here Freddie but i could do with your opinion on it if you wouldn't mind ? also would you have a go at processing it at all but only if you have time ? (i know it's scarce) your expeirience may get more out of it than i did.

Jpeg & processed:-


Tif only stacked:-


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Thanks guys.

Ewan, I'm no expert, but I'll give it a go. Maybe some of the real experts will also give it a go. Have you seen the Sky at Night imaging lecture that is scheduled in Oct. It's in London so maybe worth a look as not too far from you in Hastings. I've booked my ticket.

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With the construction climate as it is Freddie i am having to fight tooth & nail to secure clients (been the same for the last 1.5 yrs really) so time is precious what with family as well, just getting the time to image or even view through my scope is little & far between so i don't have a hope in hell, at the moment, but things could change. In my business i generally promise the earth & try my hardest to deliver as builders get a really bad rep but i'm proud to say i'm not one of the badden's, i'll end up doing 7 days a week if i pull in this latest client, but the flip side is i'll be able to get a CCD if things go well.

I hate asking for help tbh & astronomy but more so imaging has quite a learning curve, i appreciate all the work you guys put in (as do i) & i understand that some don't want to let their 'secrets' out to any joe bloggs, i look in awe at some of the pictures displayed here & even more so by those that have less than ideal equipment but still manage to pull off amazing detailed images, absoloutly stunning, Freddie only have a bash if you want to please don't feel pressured as i know you probably have a load of your own you want to get stuck into as well.

Yeah i'm keen for anyone to have a go at the tif i put up there but i'm not hijacking your thread Freddie just appreciate you sharing your pic :-)

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