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Replacing my standard eyepieces.


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Next step in my astronomy life, eyepieces.

I've got a SW200P on a EQ5 with the standard eyepieces you get with the telescope, a 10mm, Super25mm and a 2x Barlow.

I'm not disapointed with the eyepieces with the scope but I know if I can acheive better views I want some new 'uns.

I basically want some new eyepieces which will offer an all round experience. (views of the moon, planets, DSO)

Budget - £200-300

Has anyone got any recomendations?


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Maybe you could keep an eye on UK astro buy & sell and similar for premium eyepieces and so stretch your budget a bit more. There is currently a 10mm radian, which will give you 100x in your scope for medium / low power and look out for a 5mm (200x mag) for higher power.

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I've also been looking at the Baader Hyperion 68 degree eyepieces which come in a range from 5mm to 24mm. Would a 5mm and a 10mm be suitable?

There on FLO for around the £100 mark.


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The standard SW modified achromat EPs aren't as bad as they're cracked up to be, especially the 25mm. Most of the bad rep comes from first time scope owners who's initial attempts at collimation are somewhat short of the mark. The higher magnifications of the 10mm show up collimation issues to a greater degree, so it tends to get blamed more. That said, it's quite easy to improve on both for not a lot of money, but the F5 200p, being a fast scope, is tough on EPs, especially at the edge of the FOV.

Any Televue is going to work well, but then you don't get a lot of TV, unless it's second hand plossls for £300. As a long term buy,TV EPs a worthwhile investment, but if you're not expecting to have £2-300 to spend on EPs on a regular basis, it'll be a long haul to fill the EP case. Unless you look at their unfashionable, but very good plossls, that is.

Meade 5000 UWAs, Celestron X-cel X and Explore Scientific 70deg EPs get very close, for a lot less and work well in fast scopes. You can make a killing importing the ES from The States during sale season.

I had a look through Baader Hyperions which are popular and was underwhelmed, feeling they offered nothing over the BST Explorer (now Starguider) EPs that are less than £50 new and only £35(ish) second hand. The BSTs get pretty damn close to the EPs above in the centre of the FOV, but suffer a bit more in the outer 10-15%. However, you could get a 5, 8, 12, 18 & 25mm and have room for a 2" 32mm (or so) EP for wide field viewing and still probably have change to spare, if you kep an eye on the classifieds.

One thing is for sure, there's plenty of choice and a lot of nice EPs, but the limiting factotr is the depth of your pocket and how quick you want to get a full set of something.


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Bst's are ace. I use the 12mm for deep sky and the 25mm for searching.

If you want to experience an amazing 82 degree fov , I'd go for the modestly priced and excellent 15mm Skywatcher Panorama.

Spend what's left on a Telrad and a Barlow.

For planetary/ Moon, just keep an eye out on fleabay for Meade 4000, don't go shorter than 7mm , as fast scopes are hard on EPs.


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Thanks for the replies, I think I will definatly go on the search for some BST's.

Russel, the trouble is there are too many EP's out there its hard knowing where to start, but thanks for that you've made it more clearer.

Cotterless, Telrad and a Barlow are already on the list to upgrade ;)

Wookie, I got Andromeda last night for the first time ever. Not very good viewing but it was there, a little blurry blob!

Thanks again.


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Are zoom eye pieces usually as good quality as an individual one? it would make sense that they would not be but does anyone know? Astro buy and sell is an excellent outlet to buy good quality second hand goods, had several things off it and sold some items as well. There is also of course the classified section on here you could have a look at.

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Zoom EP's can be very useful. Many people use them on PST's for H-alpha solar, or together with holiday scopes. They generally don't match up to the quality of individual eyepieces though.

Hyperions used to be very popular before BST/Starguider EP's and Celestron X-cel LX came on the scene. They had a fairly aggressive price hike at one point as well, which can't have helped. For longer focal ratio scopes they are still not a bad choice and are nice ans sharp in the centre and quite comfortable to look through. For a faster scope though, I agree, there are better EP's available in that price bracket.

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Eyepieces can be a source of much debate.

There is simply so many to select from and the prices vary so much.

Like many I have the BST's, being 6 in the set I find that they cover just about everything.

Will also say they work excellently.

Suggest that you get one and see how it performs, the 8mm would seems a fair option for you. If pleased then the 5mm and maybe the 18mm. The 5mm would be usable sometimes but perhaps not always owing to conditions - be realistic.

If for any reason the BST's do not perform (I would be surprised if they didn't) then there are the TMB copies and the Celestron X-Cels. An alternative to the TMB's are the HR Planetary's from Telescope Service, they are said to be good.

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