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About the 200P

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It needs to be a pretty wide field to fit any respectable amount of it in. I personally use and love my hyperion aspheric 31mm. The skies are more important though, it is juuuust on the verge of detection from my back garden, and my place is pretty dark. If viewing from anywhere with appreciable light pollution, a narrow band uhc or an oiii filter would improve the views vastly.

I recently got an orion ultrablock uhc, and it made the veil easily visible on a very bright moonlit night, as opposed to just about visible on a dark night without the filter.

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I use a 20mm 70° afov with an Oiii filter for the veil with my 250PX (same focal length as your 200P). I can only just fit each of the brighter parts in viewed separately. Even a 30mm 84° afov eyepiece isn't wide enough to fit the whole thing in one go with a 1200mm FL scope.

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Thats great advice.

Even if you have the money you'll still be learning what all these fainter objects look like through your 200p, so hopefully if you wait you will get a better idea of what the filter will do and what the diiference is. Dont worry, the SW EP set aren't bad especially the wider 25mm in a large aperture. I have heard people say that quite often a filter only goes so far - particularly in just visual use. A light pollution filter would probaby be of use if your skies are light polluted, it can mean picking up on the faint stuff easier as well as being useful if you use a camera.



ps if you dont already have a star atlas or planetarium handheld or software then using them to learn how to find stuff may help. I was lost without goto. :)

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Don't have anything to run fancy astronomy software on (unfortunately).I have to make do with good old paper star charts. They work so I'm not complaining. :)

Don't worry about filters either, you already have the colour filters to experiment with anyway, just enjoy the views you get for now and be thinking about and researching future equipment for when you can afford it.

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not sure if any of this will help at all, but thought some stellarium screenshots would be good to look at if your looking for veil nebula. Also some of Lyra for M57 ring nebula, and a general shot of Ursa Major in relation to Ursa Minor/Polaris.

Best of luck,


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Who wants a first light report (lunar edition)? :D

I say lunar because the moon was up and bright and was the only thing I could look at.

The 200P Dobsonian is amazing! Easier to use than I had feared and easier to transport too! The moon being magnified though the scope was enough to light up my hand when it was over the EP. Viewing was comfortable (with a chair) and I took some pictures! I used 2 moon filters because the moon was so bright! It is stunning! I love it! I can't wait to do some DSO hunting!


Tips on how to improve the image would be appreciated.

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Some nice Moon pics there. Nothing beats the view through the EP. I took my 200P to Kelling and the sky was amazing, three crystal clear nights on the trot and the 32mm Panaview and 8mm BST as my only EPs. The views absolutely blew me and others away.

Looking forward to further (second light?) reports.

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Nice one.

I had a feeling you would be impressed, everyone did actually - judging by this thread !

Those are good shots of the moon, and you'll improve with each session - nothing beats real quality time outside with yer 'scope. Focus and steadiness are always good to keep in mind. Though that isn't being critical, you know whats needed already you just have to remember it all while you put it into practice at the EP.

Good luck with the DSO observing. :)



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Nice, clear images Ant! Glad you are excited about how much nicer the 200P is compared to your Mercury. At least you'll be able to take some decent planetary images without a EQ mount. And now for some DSOs. The views compared to your Mercury will not only knock your socks off but your shirt, trousers, shoes too :Envy::grin: :grin: :grin:

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Good targets with the Moon up are in Cassiopeia; the double star eta, a yellow and red pair . This is the star visible by eye between stars 3 and 4 (gamma and Sedar) .

Iota is a triple , but quite small, same ditance and direction out from star 1 as Ruchbah (star 2).

Go left the same distance and direction as the total length of the top of Cassiopiea and you'll see Kemble's cascade at low magnification, neat,


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Thanks for the link but is there anything simpler? The website looks good but is there anything that dumbs it down to "Step 1: put collimator into eyepiece holder, Step 2: Look through the collimator" Etc. ?

I think there is a piece missing! In the collimation website it shows a plate at the bottom of the OTA that is unscrewed for collimation. MY SCOPE DOESN'T HAVE ONE OF THOSE! I can see holes where it would be screwed into place though. Is the 200P dob supposed to have a plate at the bottom of the OTA and is it important?

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Ok. So what about my other problem?

I think there is a piece missing! In the collimation website it shows a plate at the bottom of the OTA that is unscrewed for collimation. MY SCOPE DOESN'T HAVE ONE OF THOSE! I can see holes where it would be screwed into place though. Is the 200P dob supposed to have a plate at the bottom of the OTA and is it important?

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