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Hello from Blandford

Seyfert Galaxy

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Hello everyone,

Came across this site yesterday, purely by chance, and have been knocked out by it :sunny:

I have only come back to astronomy in the past few months after about a 5 year lay-off, so I suppose all the bad weather/cloudy skies we have had for months is down to me :(

Not having the luxury of being able to have a permanently set-up rig and the variable weather has meant that I have not done too much outdoors, I have been more of an armchair astronomer (magazines/books, websites). Things look like they may improve a little now (I hope).

It is amazing what you forget in 5 years, but what is even more amazing is the technological strides the hobby has made in that time. So, I consider myself as a newbie and no doubt will have loads of questions for all of you good people who seem very keen to support folks that are unsure about things.

Rabbitted on long enough, so I'll just say I am glad to have found you and even more glad to have joined :)

Clear Skies


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Hello again everyone,

Thank you all for taking the time to welcome me to SGL, its the little things that matter.

Jamie, I see you are a member of Renfrewshire AS, although I have lived down here in Dorset for a LONG time I hail from Renfrew and have family up there still.

Clear Skies


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Welcome to SGL SG. The best Astronomy group you could wish for.

Blandford hey? Brings back loads of memories. I did my basic training with the REME at Blandford. Very nice place, although I never saw much of it.

Cheers Ron.

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Welcome SG,I had a few years out of the hooby too.big regret but back into it now and you are correct about the advances in equipment and the price changes,i know we get ripped of in britain but i think the prices for telescopes now and the standard of equipment means your getting more for your money.

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