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So far - so good

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very nice, how do you rate the equinox 80?

Hi I bought the 80 as a grab & go widefield scope with the ultimate aim of using it for some DSO astrophotography in the future. Still trying to decide on guidescope/dual mount bar/ guidecam combination so not made much progress there yet !!!

The build quality is really good and visually I find the widefield views are nice and sharp with no noticable CA.

I notice the RDF on the bins, is it because mounting them on a tripod makes them harder to point?

There was a mounting dovetail on the farpoint bracket so it seemed a shame not to stick a finder on it - only a cheap Baader III.

Is it harder to point them when using a tripod ? - yes

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nice kit. if i ever bought a 12 " scope home . my misses would throw it and me out !

Thats why you have to buy smart when you buy big.

Save your cash slowly over time then buy something that's covert.

Something that when packed up she hardly even notices.


Have a drool over these in the meantime

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