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I wasn't out last night but the night before it was stunning. I had my best view of it this year so far. The Cassini Division looked like a dark pencil line circling the rings, beautiful sight!

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yeah it did look epic last nite i saw the cassini division......dont usualy see it with me scope and being in london....i think thats whats refered to as ''the seeing'' when its crystal clear like that................SG.....................

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I went into meltdown in the back garden yesterday...Saturn had its best frock on!! Cracking, crystal clear view here and it was my first ever look! Been thinking about it all day today! GREAT START! :)

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It was definatley an awesome sight last night. First time I have seen Saturn this year (since it is so low and my view is blocked to the SSW/SW) and I had the same feeling I had 12 months ago when it was the very first planet I saw in a telescope.

Even at 250x it looked so sharp and the rings so impressive. I could clearly see the Cassini Division.

Anybody else get really excited when they adjust the focus and you have to question yourself for a second or two about what you can see !? The rings and therefore the shape make it so rewarding compared to any other planet.

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Anybody else get really excited when they adjust the focus and you have to question yourself for a second or two about what you can see !? The rings and therefore the shape make it so rewarding compared to any other planet.

Er, yeah!!! Consider if you will how FAR AWAY that planet is.....and we see it like that?!?!? Blew my mind, was dreaming about it allll night! :)

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Not looking good for tonight, fluffy high random cloud up there. Saturn just up over neighbours house but nowhere near the viewing conditions of last night. Mars was rubbish! Will stay up on the off chance it clears a little. Im confident the rest of the week is a right off so worth another glimpse.

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Saturn was nice indeed last night. My mum was staying with us so I dragged her out to have a look through the 8SE - first time shes ever looked through a 'scope. She was well impressed (although the cold drove her back inside pretty quickly).

Shame the forecast looks so rubbish for the rest of the week though :).

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Other than it's been the worse night for viewing Saturn in many, many weeks, not much to report.

All weekend was gray and cloudy and tonight, at last, it is dry, crisp and very clear, but we've got these 30 to 60 mph winds zooming about and they're making seeing a nightmare. What is focused upon ends up 'smearing' in seconds.

I call this type of evening 'clear-air-sky-turbulence' - a disaster for seeing.

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