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Multi coloured star?

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Recently when it's nice and clear and almost dark,in roughly the south west direction I can see a star that rapidly changes colour.

I only get to view it for around an hour because it doesn't go very high and then disappears behind the bungalow next door.

The other night I managed to get the scope on it for about 20 mins and it looks fantastic changing colour.

Can anyone tell me what star it is?


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A shot in the dark id say Sirius in the constellation of Canis Major. I say this because a) Its one of the brightest stars in the sky and :( well known for 'dancing' and c) pretty low in the SW/W sky at the moment :D

I could be wrong, but im pretty confident

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Would agree with Sirius. Because it is low in the sky, the light from it travels through a large thickness of atmosphere and will refract (i.e. bend due to the change in light speed) and as the atmosphere is in constant turmoil the different rainbow colours will be continually changing. It is actually very pretty through a telescope. This twinkling of stars is a sign of bad seeing.


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Thanks for the replies.I'm hoping to get some video footage when I next see it.

Something I did notice is when I swaped between a few eyepieces the view didn't seem to degrade when running higher power.


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You get that colour scintillation when bright objects are low in the sky. The planet Venus is often seen with blue and red limbs. It doesn't shimmer like Sirius, because it's a planet, and has measurable size, whereas stars are point sources, and are affected more by earths atmospheric conditions.


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What our eyes perceives as a single star is actually a binary star: Sirius A and Sirius B A1V (A) / DA2 (:). These two stars are visible in the video below. Distance that separates the two stars, varies between 8.1 and 31.5 AU.

Telescope Celestron C8" Newtonian, super plossl 20mm, 2x Barlow

Sirius star video

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