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Up date on which scope to buy.


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Hi everyone for all your great advice, I have finally purchased a new Meade ETX 125. Awaiting arrival, I know some of you may be a little bit disapointed with my selection but-

1, it need to be portable

2, I wanted a goto system

3, My better half did not want me buying a LX 90 8" gps with not knowing if I am going to get the use out of.

4, She has promised if my new scope gets well used this year I can then purchase a new scope after christmas - here's hoping but can't complain.

But again still can't wait for it to arrive next weekend, I will let you Know how I get on.

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Of course, should you want to upgrade to a different scope in the future, you could always resale the ETX 125 at a later date and as they are popular scopes, they should hold their value. So effective you can enjoy your new purchase (congratulations by the way) without having invested too much at the start of your interest.

Hope you get on well with and look forward to reading about what you have observed,

Clear skies


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