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Hi Folks

I came across this website a few weeks back, whilst searching for a telescope to buy.

Im just a beginner at this stuff, know the basics of astonomy and some cosmology, but from what i;ve seen so far im gonna learn a lot from this site and the folk seem friendly and informative! :p

Anyway, i went ahead a bought this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=010&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=200126644612&rd=1&rd=1on Ebay, seemed a good price and fair specs tho I have no idea what model it is :D

Weather's been awful for ages, only managed 1 or 2 sessions so far.... :lol:

Well, that's about it for now, see you peeps around in orbit :lol:


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Hi. Kevin, and welcome to SGL.

Should you need any help or advice, just sing out, your probs will be solved by this mob.

The scope you bought was certainly cheap enough, I am wondering why so cheap really. When I look at it on the picture, It looks quite a short tube, and since it is allegedly a 6" mirror with a focal length of 55", that makes it f9.1. I would suspect there will be a negative lens placed in the focuser to extend the focal length to that distance. Soetimes pictures can be deceiving, so you need to measure the length of the tube from the focuser to the front of the main mirror. I only mention this, because at some time, the instrument will need collimating, and when it does, that extra lens in the focuser will play a role in that procedure. If indeed there is a lens there.

Ron. :D

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Thanks for the welcome guys!

Hi. Kevin, and welcome to SGL.

Should you need any help or advice, just sing out, your probs will be solved by this mob.

The scope you bought was certainly cheap enough, I am wondering why so cheap really. When I look at it on the picture, It looks quite a short tube, and since it is allegedly a 6" mirror with a focal length of 55", that makes it f9.1. I would suspect there will be a negative lens placed in the focuser to extend the focal length to that distance. Soetimes pictures can be deceiving, so you need to measure the length of the tube from the focuser to the front of the main mirror. I only mention this, because at some time, the instrument will need collimating, and when it does, that extra lens in the focuser will play a role in that procedure. If indeed there is a lens there.

Ron. :D

Ron, the funny thing is the scope has no brand name on it, except a model number 1400150EQ.

A search on google hasn't brought up muc, except a lot of chinese sites, and another identification # F750150EQ???

It looks, to my inexperienced eye, solidly built, weighs a bout 20kg, but how can i really ascertain how good the optics/scope is??

Another thing that confuses me is the length of tube is about 700mm, but its rated 700/1400. How does that work?


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...Another thing that confuses me is the length of tube is about 700mm, but its rated 700/1400. How does that work?


I think that's where the negative lens that Barkis mentioned comes in. It's like having a built in x2 barlow which takes your focal length from 700mm to 1400mm.

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