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Mars & Saturn


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Seeing is not to bad here tonight so i thought i would take a peek through the Equinox 100 with the 8mm plossl giving 112.5x mag.

Mars was the first target as Saturn was still down below the tree line, Mars looked nice this evening as a pale salmon shade of pink showing a nice disc with little air disturbance, at times i was sure that slight darker regions became clear after around 1 hour at the eyepiece Saturn was showing over the tree line.

Saturn was showing its normal pale washed out yellow colour but due to the planet being at a lower position the views where more turbulent, the shadow of the belt was seen on the disc along with banding on the disc.

All in all a nice few hours with the Equinox but i do need to invest in a couple more eyepiece's in the 6mm and 15mm range but more on that later, looking forward to observing the Moon through this scope

early next month clouds permitting.

Mick :)

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Nice one Mick, sounds like a good night. I bought the Equinox 80 recently so it s interesting to hear of your experiences with its big brother.

Unfortuantely the haze over Sheffield has been really bad, and coupled with the light pollution where I am, I couldn't even make out any stars last night (at least not with the naked eye), only the planets showed through the murk, and even then Mars was pretty bad to look at through my scopes.

Looks like its going to the be same again tonight :blob10:.

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Mars here in North Lincs is fantastic, never seen so much detail. If anyone thinks Mars is just an orange disc they should look through my scope tonight.

Same here tonight. There was loads of dark features across the surface. It was a great test for my new Hyperion zoom EP.

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Sorry newbie here tonight we saw a flashing star moved slowly southwards would it have been Venus seemed to change colour from white to green to reish colour. It's now dipping in to horizon viable from around 9.15 my chart sys it's Venus but seemed to have a multi coloured glow to it.

Thank you

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