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Whale NGC 4631 ATIK 428 OSC (WIP)


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Well after much reading and testing I managed to stack the 428 OSC light files and combine the flats and bias, this image is only 2 hrs worth of 10 minute subs. (12x10mins)

What it lacks is more signal, I need at least another 2-3 hours to get anywhere near an LRGB image.

On the whole I'm very happy, especially as the object was low down smack in the glow from Preston city centre, the 2" IDAs did a fine job

Thanks to Robbie Inces help I managed an image in the end..;)


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Thats impressive Guy, especially under UK Skies, now you just have to do an image yourself :o


If your referring to help from Rob in processing I recon I can manage from here onwards...;) It was the flat file exposure lengths that confused..;)

Thanks Francki & spikey for the positive help..

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